Feb 12, 2007 10:35
Snowboarding was fun, not quite as successful as I'd hoped but I did manage to go down the ultra-bunny-baby hill quite a number of times without falling on my ass, and was even getting up a good amount of speed at some points, but those usually ended in can't-stop-can't-stop-woooah-ow.
Erica and I had an interesting finish, with me standing at the bottom of the hill, both feet still clipped into the board with a "deer in the headlights" look as she came curving towards me with pretty much the same look. She wasn't going too fast so we managed to brace the impact with outstretched arms, but we both couldn't balance for more than a few seconds and both fell on our asses on top of each other, laughing. It didn't hurt at all so that was kinda nice. We decided to quit after that, due to intense soreness, knee-pain, thirst, and cold. We're going again in a few weeks.
I was surprised that I was able to get dinner there, but the chow line had vegetarian chili (99% sure it's vegan). We were all sitting around, soaking wet and cold, talking about the differences in religious dietary restrictions when we realized we had a Catholic (Cat), a Jew (Erica), a WASP (me) and a Muslim (Tamal), just like an afterschool special.
I won't go into detail about getting there (took 3 hours instead of 1) or getting back (waiting 30 mins for the resort bellhop to pump 2 gallons of emergency gas). I drove home a carful of sleeping snowboarders while I sang along to Fiona - she's my secret ingredient to driving while exhausted.
I'm gonna go eat bagels and watch TV for a while, and then we may end up in the hot tub at the gym. No workouts today. Phew.