If anyone else is interested,
Vh1vball in Raleigh is having a
Reverse co-ed volleyball tournament (similar to King and Queen) on
July 30th (sign up!), either at Jaycee Park or Baileywick Park. You don't need to sign up with a partner of the opposite sex to play.
I'm probably going to try the Bronze or Silver level.
KING/QUEEN FORMAT * The format for the King & Queen tourneys will be round robin pool play, followed by single elimination playoffs. Tournament check-in for all tourneys (K/Q and Reverse Co-ed) will begin at 8:30 am on the day of the tourney, and play will begin shortly after 9:00, so try and get there as close to 8:30 as possible.
The tournaments cost $20 per adult player or $10 per juniors player (17 and under) if you register by 9:00 pm the night before the event, or $25 ($15 for juniors) if you show up the day of the event without having pre-registered.
* During pool play, you'll be constantly changing opposite sex partners to play against all the same sex players in your pool. In other words, if you're a woman, you're going to play against all the other women in your pool and you'll play at least one game with all the men in your pool. The players that advance to playoffs will be determined by total points scored during pool play. Therefore it's very important to accurately keep track of the points scored in all games.
* We’re encouraging everyone to sign up whether they can bring an opposite sex player or not. You DO NOT have to sign up with another player, but the more people who sign up with opposite sex players means we have a better chance of having an even number of participants. If the numbers aren't even, we’ll pair up the players who sign up "stag." We'll e-mail you both and then you will, in effect, have a "partner" for the tourney.
* To clarify the pecking order in which ‘stag’ entries will be handled:
o First priority will be given to the people who pay by the Friday before a tourney.
o Next will be the order you sign up online. To illustrate: Suppose Bill and Ted sign up on Monday and Tuesday, respectively. If neither one pays by Friday, then Bill would get paired up with the first available ‘stag’ female. However, if only Ted paid, he would get paired up first. Hopefully this will help clear up any confusion. We’ll do what we can to pair up everyone, but this information should be kept in mind.
* Generally the top two players of each sex will advance for playoffs, time and daylight permitting. That means everyone needs to keep things moving along and keep warm up times to a minimum between matches!
* We reserve the right to combine divisions or move players as we see fit, based on entries received. Both male and female winners of non-gold divisions must play in the higher division for at least the next tournament they play in.
* If you will strategically set up your "camping areas", (tents, tarps, chairs etc) so you can help keep the balls from rolling to Durham County when you're not playing, that will really help shorten the day!
* Please be sure to keep your areas clean. We’re not maids and you’re all able-bodied enough to clean up after yourselves.
* No refunds will be given if play is halted after noon. Every effort will be made to distribute prize money, though. If no 'winners' can be determined, players that are 'in the running' when play was halted will receive their money back or free entry into the next event.
* • Net serves are good. One service toss per rotation.
* • No open hand tips or dinks.
• No hand sets over the net. If the ball carries over the net after an overhead set, it's a side-out!
* • A block will count as the first team contact.
* • A 'double contact' is allowed on any first ball over the net as long as it's only one attempt to play the ball AND the ball is not held, carried, or thrown.
* • Rally scoring will be utilized. All four-team pool play games will be to 21 and all five-team pool play games to 18 (games can be won by 1 point). Side changes will be on multiples of 7 points (6 points for five-team pools).
* • A third place player from each pool must stay to ref in the playoffs. Check with the tournament director before leaving if you plan to play again.
Reverse Co-ed is played similar to regular co-ed doubles (including King/Queens), with the following additional rules in place:
* • The net height will be set at 7 feet, 4 1/8 inches (women's height).
* • Men are not allowed to block: A block being any attempt by a player to reach above the net to touch/intercept a ball coming from the opponent's side.
* • Men must attack from behind the three-meter (9'10") line: If a male player contacts the ball completely above the height of the net and is touching or last touched the line or in front of the line, the attack/hit must have an upward trajectory (arc) to it.
Here are a couple of "rules" that are specific to our King and Queen tourneys:
* In each game, you're allowed one "wild card," which is a fourth play on the ball. You must yell "wild card" before your 3rd play on the ball, and successful or not, you lose the wildcard after you use it.
* Please observe the "Barry Huie" courtesy rule. Men should make every attempt to serve the ball to the other man. None of us is 100% perfect, so we know that an occasional serve will go to the woman, but there's NO need for guys to serve the women off the court. Violators will be held in high dis-regard and it may be reflected in your winnings...
Any clarifications, changes, or additions to the volleyball tournament rules will be announced at the start of each tournament before play begins.