I didn't do a proper update
yesterday because I was too busy planning. Friday night was awesome!! Me and Luke just sat off in This Lisbon having a few drinks and just talking. It was really nice. We then got a train back to my house at 22:18 and we were home on time to sit and watch Jade's interview on Big Brother, so we snuggled up in bed to watch it. It was fantastic! I walked with him to the train station before I went to work on Saturday morning. Work was boring, but I couldn't stop thinking about him all day.
I'm glad Jade was booted out of the house. I just wish there was a crowd to give her he booing she deserved. I though Davina handled the interview well. I think Jade can now kiss goodbye to her career. I hope Danielle and Jack get-off with each other, how funny would that be!
24: Day 6 starts on SKY ONE tonight. I've already watched it online, but I can't wait to see it again. I hope I get this planning finished for tomorrow so I can settle down and watch it.