I haven't updated properly for a couple of days. I've been up to my eyeballs with work for University. I'm just about sorting my work out for Christmas, so I can have a nice relaxing three weeks and not worry about work at all!
Today was my last ever day at my current school placement. It was dead sad, all the children made me a card and signed it, and got me a selection box to say thank you. How sweet. I also got the children some sweeties. I was so sad to leave, and the children seemed genuinely sad to see me go. I also received nice comments and goodbyes from the staff at the school. I hope to go back to that school again soon!
School was really fun today, I got to watch a dress rehearsal of the infant children's nativity play. It was really good. I was hoping to see the play properly either tonight or tomorrow night, but I'm out with Michael tonight (woohoo!) and I'm starting my Christmas shopping tomorrow night (Yes, I Haven't even started it yet *gulp*), but I'm glad I've got to see it this morning - it was fantastic!!
Last night I went to see Jamie, Kathryn, Amy, and little David in a performance at the Brinley in Runcorn. It was bloody good! Most of the performance was through improvision, it was really funny. I was well impressed. It involved a lot of audience participation, so I tried to participate as much as I could.
I also saw Louise there who works at the museum, because she is also their drama teacher.
Getting home was a pain in the arse!! There isn't a single bus leaving Runcorn after 19:00 that heads towards Liverpool or Widnes or anywhere else that would be helpful for me to get home. I had to jump a cab which cost me £15.
I got Jack's photos from
Saturday night, so I'll post them up once I've scanned them in. There's some really good ones of me (with Michael - yay), and some really awful ones of me too. I think I'll leave the awful ones out of there lol.
My house is looking all Christmasy now - all the deckies are up. I can't believe it's a week this coming Sunday. Oh Lord, can't believe I haven't started my shopping yet. I have ordered one of Michael's presents off the Internet, but it hasn't been dispatched yet. I'm now getting worried in case it doesn't come before Crimbo.
I had a lot more to talk about to catch up on the past week or so, but I can't really remember much (Oooo I'll have to tell you about my mum finding the rush in my bedroom - but I'll tell you that later).