(no subject)

Nov 06, 2006 01:05

i havent updated in many a month.. and tonight is one of those rare nights where i have finished off most of my homework and i dont feel like playing Final Fantasy XII right now. this is what i am working on right now and it is due tommorow... but i am going to finish off the details in my first class tommorow.

Other than that life is good. I finally got my transfer to my old room in R609 and i love it cause its just full of big nerds like me and its a bonus cause alot of them arent the huge greasy freak nerds that guys usually are when they like anime and gaming. so huray for me. I think its strange because i havent played FFXII in 3 days now.. and i dont know how i am doing it. I have no more homework to do really this week so i will probaby start playing again,,, cause its an amazing game.. and i love it.. and i love it even more cause i know how much work goes into it.. like i now know why it look 5 years to make.. because it gorgeous! but ya it feels like i have been doing nothing but homework lately ..especially with midterms last week. and it will be nice to not do anything for a while :)

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