
Sep 23, 2003 14:54

A - Age: 15
B - Best Quality: trustworthy
C - Choice Of Meat: chicKen
D - Dream Date: kyla;
E - Ex (most recent): carolina
F - Favorite Food: #2 plane with kethup Mcdonals
G - Greatest Accomplishment: Mini Cooper S - career - no more drugs
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: have none =/
K - Kool-Aid: chocolate milk
L - Love: is good
M - Most Valued Thing I Own: computer
N - Name: daniel
O - Outfit You Love: black DicKies, sponge bob socks, DeeZ nuts shirt, independent beanie <3
P - Pizza Toppings: cheese
Q - Question you want to ask: can i take your mini cooper for a spin
S - Sport To Watch: street skateboarding
T - Television Show: Sponge Bob
U - Unique habit: cutting my self
W - Winter: of course
Y - Year Born: 1987
Z - Zodiac Sign: ---

29. YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM: bracelets
30. PERSON YOU HATE MOST: osama bin laden
32. COLOR: black with red
36. JUICE: orange juice
37. CARS: mini cooper- volkswagen golf's- audi's- BMW- 92-95 civic hatchbacks
38. ICE CREAM: chocolate
40. SEASON: winter
41. BREAKFAST FOOD: pancakes
49. HAS IT EASIER GUYS OR GIRLS: little bit of both on certain things
56. COLOGNE: Brut- White water
57. PERFUME: candies
58. KISS: carolina
62. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: nay
63. Been rejected?: tons
64. Been in love?: yes-think i might be agin
65. Been in lust?: i'm human
66. Used someone?: nope
67. Been used?: yeah
68. Like Mini Coopers?: HELL YEAH
69. Been cheated on?: yup
70. Been kissed?: yeah
71. Done something you regret?: yep

Who was the last person...

72. You touched?: a mini cooper
73. You talked to?: bryan
74. You hugged?: sandy
75. You instant messaged?: crackman
76. You kissed?: carlina
78. You yelled at?: my mom and dad
79. You laughed with?: bryan;
80. Who broke your heart?: booger
81. Who told you they loved you?:mikey =>

Do you..

82. Color your hair? used to
83. Have tattoos? nay
84. Have piercings? yes
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? not yet
86. Own a webcam? yes
87. Own a thong? maybe
88. Ever get off the damn computer? nope
89. Sprechen sie deutsche? yeah, why not
90. Habla espanol? yoo quero taco bell
91. Quack? chiKen

Have you / do you / are you...

92. Stolen anything? yea alot
93. Smoke? yup trying to stop
94. Schizophrenic? weekends
95. Obsessive? kinda
96. Compulsive? boogers;
97. Obsessive compulsive? enough!
98. Panic? sometimes
99. Anxiety? yeah
100. Depressed? alot
101. Suicidal? yea
102. Obsessed with hate? nay
103. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? yeah
104. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? nay;
105. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? in a mini cooper driving with kyla
106. Can you do anything freakish with your body? i can jerk off
107. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: dripping boogers
114. Could you live without a computer?: NO
115. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc?: GAIM, AIM
116. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: 47 daydreamingtrip ummm iamstoopd 173
123. What is the last movie you saw?: half baked
125. Are you photogenic?: hell nah
126. Do you dream in color or black and white?: don't know
140. Are you loyal?: yep
141. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: yeah, why not
142. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: off
143. Do you have nightmares frequently?: don't remember
144. Do you like your nose?: nah, give me yours
145. Do you think you can draw well?: nope
146. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: :O ...RIGHT NOW!;
147. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: none
148. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: same
149. Do you write poetry?: nope
150. Do you snore?: dont think so
151. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: sides
152. dog/cat? mini cooper?
153. Do you lick stamps?: noooo
154. Do you use an electric can opener?: nah
155. Have you ridden in a hotair balloon?: nope
156. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: emotional
158. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: me
159. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: piano- violins nice. combination of the both is a plus
160. Are you a sex addict?: 0:D
161. Do you know someone who has cancer?: yeah
162. Do you like to argue?: nope
163. Do you hunt?: no. save the chickens
164. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?: joints
165. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: art museum
166. Do you have a middle name? What is it?: edward
167. Are you basically a happy person?: no
168. Are you tired?: kinda
169. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: nope
170. Have you ever met anyone off the Internet?: not really
171. How many phones do you have in your house?: 2
172. How long is your hair?: don't know
173. Do you get along with your parents?: not really
174. What color of eyes do you prefer?: grey
175. Full name: daniel edward ramos
176. Were you named after anyone?: someone in the bible, my uncle form both sides
177. Do you wish on stars? wake up
178. Which finger is your favorite? you deside
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