May 21, 2007 12:23
I found this on someones LJ, and thought I'd see how bad I scored...
10 ways to tell you're a geek:
1. You have a smartphone: Technically Yes, I own one but don't use it. It was a gift from a client.
2. You have a laptop: Yes.
3. You have a travelling USB cable "just in case": Yes. But only to recharge my mp3/gps/stuff
4. You understand WEP keys: Yes.
5. You have more than one device capable of playing MP3's: Yes, mp3 player, GPS, PDA, Phone, etc...
6. You have a flickr account: NO! Thank The gods!!!
7. You have a t-shirt from think geek: Nope, None
8. You can still remember how to program in an 8 bit basic: Yes..
9. You understand HTML, Javascript, PHP and/or other web languages: Well its part my Job so Yes!
10. You have a thorough understanding of at least 1 sci fi programme: Yes, but only due to having a mind that stores pointless information.
8/10 Not too bad I suppose..
Right.. Time for food....