Great!!!! Here we go again. Another "power thirsty despot" with world domination (starting with Europe, as usual) on his mind. And to make it worse, we have the Libtard Democrats (Socialists) who lack the "testicular fortitude" to stand up to this thug! We need George W. Bush for 4 for years! He may be an "ignernt" fool at times, but at least he has the guts to take down dictators (can you say Saddam Hussien and his pals Slobodan Milosivich and Charles Taylor?).
Jellyfish have more backbone than the Democrats (Socialists). What are they gonna do when this thug goes "goose stepping" through the rest of Europe? Whine. And talk, and talk, and talk ... and after year of whining and talking they'll just bend over and take it up the ass like the pussies they are!!! Because what is the standard Libtard, Pussified, Socialist policy on dealing with this type of problem: "It takes courage to avoid war and still stand up to this bully!!!" Excuse me??? I think I am going to barf!!! No!!!! No!!!! No!!!! It takes STUPIDITY to deliberately bend over and let a sociopath FUCK YOU IN THE ASS!!!
You know what!!!! This time when an invading army goes goose stepping into France.... FUCK'EM!!! FUCK'EM ALL!!! And when the French come sniveling up to White House door step begging us to save them from another Fascist thug again, make them lick the President's shoes and then have a Marine promptly bury a boot into their ass!!!