What's Going On?

Apr 19, 2007 15:42

So, what has been going on with me?

Well, work as usual. But with an added twist. I have a damned Kidney Stone! Ugh! Since last Saturday I have been to the E.R. twice to get myself doped up with a pain killer cocktail of Dilaudid, Phenergan, and Toradol. The first time was early Saturday morning at around 2:30am. They did a CT scan and said that the stone is about 3.5mm in DIAMETER (NOT LENGTH). For those of you who have never had a kidney stone let me give you an analogy to help you visualize the excruciating FUCKING PAIN these goddamn things cause. Take a Basketball. Then SHOVE it down a Soda Straw. Except, this soda straw has to stretch around this basketball and the basketball has jagged crystalline edges to it!!! Yeah! Like that. So, keep the pain killers coming!!!

And now, I would like to take this time to Pontificate on the massacre that happened at Virginia Tech last Monday.

  1. Someone in the Mental Health care system that saw this punk-ass psycho prior to this horror seriously FUCKED UP!!! Had they done their job and entered him into the database as having been seen for mental health issues, it would have been flagged when the gun store ran the instant background check when he attempted to purchase one of those weapons. Thus, the sale would have stopped there and law enforcement would have been notified! But nooooooo... we don't want to deny this psycho his rights! Best not to deny a psycho his/her right to wreck death and destruction. That way those goddamned Communist Libtards (like Comrades Clinton, Schumer, Feinstein, and Kennedy) can take a GIANT SHIT ON THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF THE REST OF US!!! Namely our 2nd Amendment rights.

  2. Now, for the really Politically Incorrect shit that I am going to say that is really going to piss off the Socialists out there: This is a hard lesson to learn that every law-abiding CITIZEN in this country has a CIVIC DUTY to be ARMED AT ALL TIMES and be permitted to conceal carry a firearm. Had there been one... JUST ONE ARMED CITIZEN... this carnage could have been stopped early. Would it have been possible to save everyones life? I doubt it. But there is no doubt in mind, at all, that A LOT OF LIVES WOULD HAVE BEEN SAVED. Now I can already hear what the Libtard Moonbats are going to "snivel" back in response to this: But that is what the Police are for!!! Oh! Really? Where were the Police when those 32 people needed someone with a firearm to kill that psychotic bunghole-licker and thus save their lives? Where were they? NO WHERE!!! That's where they were! Let's be very clear on this next point:

  3. It is NOT the responsibility of the Police to protect each and every individual. It is not logistically possible to do that. It is not cost effective to do that. And the consequnces of that is a Police State. And we in the U.S. tend to have a violent aversion to Police States. Just ask the British. We kicked their ass off of our front yard TWICE. So badly that after the 2nd time we beat shit out of them (The War of 1812) that they didn't want to fuck with us anymore. Here is what sets us a part from the British...

  4. We are CITIZENS. The British are SUBJECTS. Their Civil Rights can be revoked with the stroke pen. And since their government has already disarmed them, they can't do jack-shit about it! Our Civil Rights are guaranteed IN WRITING. We are a Constitutional Republic with democratic principles. And our Constitution has TWO THINGS that few others have. 1- Restrictions on the power of our government. 2- The 2nd Amendment that says "THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE" to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Why? Because all governments, no matter how benevolent their intent, can easily devolve, over time, into something totalitarianistic. That has not happened here in the U.S. Yet! Because our elected representatives not only fear us at the ballot box. They also fear us at the business end of our firearms. Which is also why we have not yet had an armed insurrection, en masse, against our government.

Tonight, after work and barring any severe kidney stone pain, I'm going to the NRA Shooting Range in Fairfax, VA and exercise my 2nd Amendment civil rights and send some hot lead down range. Just my little way to say to Comrades Clinton, Schumer, Feinstein, and Kennedy: FUCK YOU!!! YOU COMMIE BASTARDS!!!


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