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anonymous August 11 2019, 21:49:38 UTC
You know I'm here. And you know I've been there. And I'm making sure the best I can you take it easy. And yes, D is doing a wonderful job. I would even go so far as to say admirable. I'm staying Anonymous because of the following paragraph. You may, of course, choose not to publish it at all, and I'm fine with that. You know best.

You also know damned well that I'm not clicking on that fucking link to save my life. But I also know that you've got some sick motherfuckers, who are going to click on it and I can think of at least one in particular is probably going to use it for masturbatory material. To that person, I have something to say: Fuck. You. Fuck you with a cactus. Fuck you with something sharp, soaked in poison, and preferably on fire. Yes, I mean *you*. And if I catch any reference to "my Queen," I will damage you in ways you never thought possible, and I assure you that you will stay awake and conscious throughout because I don't want you to miss a thing. Are we clear, you pathetic toady? Do you understand, childe?

Anyway, leaving the murderous outburst of bloodlust behind fot the nonce, you look good, but you're still overdoing it. I know you have marks to hit, but please - don't hurt yourself more in the process. "No pain, no gain" is a fallacy. Listen to your body, and proceed accordingly. If you or D need something, I'm not far away, I'd be happy to help, and happier to see you.


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