Over/With Movie Chatter

Feb 26, 2013 23:25

I had an inter­est­ing con­ver­sa­tion on the phone about a half an hour ago, and as these things hap­pen, con­ver­sa­tion had turned to me (YAY) and the per­son said [para­phrase], “I was given your web­site and at first I thought I had the wrong page.”

Whoops. lit­tle black link)','caption', 'Little Black Duck' );">duck has always been just about wee me and what­ever was irri­tat­ing or fas­ci­nat­ing me at the moment, so it’s under­stand­able that some­one look­ing for a direc­tor of a hor­ror movie in pre-production but land­ing on a site that kinda talks about every­thing *but* direct­ing a movie in pre-production would be confused.

We’d bet­ter clear that up. I’ve been hes­i­tant to talk about the movie, not because it’s not impor­tant - it’s the most impor­tant project EVER - but because I don’t want to bore peo­ple with it. Seri­ously, I see the way people’s eyes glaze over if it comes up in con­ver­sa­tion and I don’t want to be *that* person.

That has to change. Well, I’m not going to be *that* per­son, but I have to be part of  my own press and that means talk­ing it up. I have to stop apol­o­gis­ing for being ridicu­lously excited, and I def­i­nitely have to not be afraid to talk about it. I’m mak­ing a movie, folks. If you were just doing that over break­fast and this con­ver­sa­tion is so 10 o’clock this morn­ing, excuse  me, but *I’ve* never done this before and I’m a lit­tle ter­ri­fied while being over the moon. Bear with me.

So if this is kinda new to you:

My name is Mon­tiLee Stormer and I write hor­ror. I pre­fer the short form, flash fic­tion and short sto­ries, but I do have nov­els and progress and I’ve tack­led a screen­play or two. I wrote a flash fic­tion piece many years ago and now it will be filmed as a movie this summer.

I’ll be direct­ing an amaz­ing cast with the screen­play I wrote in a myth­i­cal city this sum­mer. Peo­ple want to know about that, because let’s face it - it is kinda cool, so I’m going to talk about it.

You’ve been warned. We have a lot to catch up on.

But … I’ll start tomorrow.

directing, over/with movie, cult of demille

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