Back to school life, but before I get to that let me just say that this weekend was rather strange to say the least. I stayed with my aunt at night and spent most of the day with the kids in my youth group. The kids seem to be doing well, but I can't really say the same for my aunt. When I first got there she basically stared at me for an hour. Needless to say I was feeling quite awkward as she did this. Then she started pacing around. I asked her what was wrong, but she quickly brushed me off and started talking to me about how she was excited about New Years and all she had planned for the day. We continued talking, and then she finally brought up a touchy subject, China. She started off by telling me how she'd been talking to my mother recently. Nothing big, she claimed. Apparently she had gotten the call earlier this week.
After she told me to give her a call back, I ended up not saying anything for the rest of the night. Never even thinking to give her a call. I'd rather not.
I'm actually glad to be back in my germ infested dorm! I won't be making anymore visits until New Years the whole chat with my aunt made me uncomfortable, so I'd rather avoid her if I can. Besides, I have a lot of projects to finish up.
I gathered all the information for the Biology project. I'm sure Sasuke-kun and I shall have lots of fun putting this all together ^__^. Also started on my sculpture. Still doesn't look like anything, but I'm getting there.
[Private To Self]And then Neji's leaving for the week. I have a funny feeling this week is going to go by extremely slow on account of that fact. I won't let anyone know about that though. Although he didn't say it directly, I gather that he isn't mad at me or anything of the sort. It's a real sigh of relief for me even though he still seems bothered by something else. Hopefully we can talk or something when he gets back.[/End Private To Self]
Hopefully we start cheer leading practice some time this week! I need something to keep me busy and not thinking about certain things.