Long overdue update

Mar 14, 2006 08:37

Just a quick rundown of everything I've been doing:

- Last Monday was the funeral.
- Tuesday back at work and met the New Guy Shane.
- Spent lots of last week writing and finishing Chapter Five of Ice Chamber.
- Went to Nan and Granda's Friday night.
- Had an X-ray taken of my teeth because my orthodontist wanted it then went to dancing Saturday morning.
- Granda went back in to hospital Saturday arvo.
- Saw RENT with Michaela on Sunday.
- Started wathing the Live Action Sailor Moon series.

Message for LD:

I've watched the first three episodes of the Live Action series and it's so... so... It's everything you said it was and more. It's just so horrendously AWESOME!

live action sailor moon, job, writing, fic: ice chamber, activair, work, serena/darien

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