Dec 27, 2008 23:29
A few things I forgot to mention (in point form, because I like writing in point form, 'tis fun... yes, I'm becoming a bit loony due to sleep deprivation):
+ Have now seen Twilight four times (with Michaela on Monday night, then again tonight with Michaela and Alexandra)
+ Got my green Ps last Friday (the 19th). Yay! Another two years and I will be holder of a full licence
+ Had a trojan on my laptop about a fortnight ago. Has now been wiped completely clean and have started the laptop fresh with nothing on it but am still a little wary of it. Really need to get Word re-installed on it so I can start writing again.
+ Had to get Indy (my car) serviced and bits and pieces of it replaced which ended up costing $390. Still have a few other things to be replaced as well which will probably cost another couple hundred bucks... *sigh*
+ Have to work again tomorrow from 10-5. Am not looking forward to it. Would very much prefer to just sleep. *shakes fist at job* Retail sucks.
And I think that's really it now. So will go collapse into bed now, and sleep.
shoes & sox,
driver's licence,