So the first piece of exciting news: I got the results back from my teacher's exam. And I passed both sections! YAY! Not just passed either, I got Commended for both parts. :D
I was so relieved when I found out and so happy. *giddy*
Second piece of news: I went to see the Foo Fighters concert on Sunday night with Michael. It was So. AWESOME!
Absolutely UNBELIEVABLE! It's the best concert I've ever been to. It even topped the Pearl Jam concert, and until the Fooeys nothing had been able to top that. :D
They played for two and a half hours with only one short break before the encore. About half way through a second stage was lowered in the middle of arena. When they came to play on that they were directly in front of me and Michael :D :D The whole thing was just brilliant. They played all their new songs that I love and all my old favourites as well as a few really old ones from their first albums that I didn't really know.
It was just... WOW. :D
Finally, have made a couple of Heroes icons. About time as well. Same rules as always apply. Credit if taking :)