Early April's Fools

Mar 29, 2012 13:55

So everybody is getting new name tags at work. So I'm busy doing paperwork when Policewoman comes along giving everyone their name tags. I raise mine to read when...

"WHAT!? Wh- How can you do this!? I'm not wearing it!!"

There I am fuming when 5 mins later she comes around again and gives me the real tag. Then tells me "It was worth seeing the look on my face". Bah!

History behind Pichia (for those who don't know): my cousin's baby girl couldn't pronounce my name when she was younger so in a fit of genius-or mischief-she takes the cat's name: Pichi, and adds an A at the end, hence Pichia. I work with my cousin and she always calls me that. Then some people at work started to sometimes call me that.


Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

april's fool's day, via ljapp

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