I have dropped off the face of the earth. Yes.
The highlights of my life since last post are:
1. My parents came to visit in October!
And they are still here. And they will be here. Until further notice. In my tiny apartment. In my room.
2. My birthday was uneventful except for the fact that I went to NYC to see Billy Elliot before the last performance that is, oh, today. The only problem came when I rented a ShowTrans for my mom so she could see the musical in Spanish. The thing wasn't working and I missed the first 10 minutes of the performance. If I hadn't seen the movie I would have been a little lost. I was NOT happy. The young man tried to fix it and apologized profusely and promised to give me my money back. Turns out ShowTrans's system was down and I had to whisper what was happening to my mom. The lady next to her was not too happy about that, but what the hell. Half hour into the musical, ShowTrans started working and I COULD FINALLY PAY ATTENTION!!
It took me just a little while to get used to the cockney accent, but it was worth it. The kids were extremely talented. Michael, Billy's friend who likes to wear dresses, was one of my top favorites. This kid is hilarious. I especially liked the number of the dancing dresses (and how he tried to shoo away a pair of men's trousers with suspenders ^_^ ). There was A LOT of cursing. Also, it was very emotionally charged, and the parts where Billy, his dad and his brother were together were sometimes intense. The parts were Billy remembers his dead mom almost brought me to tears (the poor boy!!). Also, I loved when Mr. Elliot takes Billy to his audition in London, when country bumpkin comes to the fore.
After the musical, we went to the Metropolitan Museum for a bit. It was VERY cold and windy and just getting from the subway station to the museum and then back was hard for us. We ended up rushing through some of the exhibits because my mom was worried about the time. She kept trying to make me take pictures of the statues' penises. >_> Now I know where I get my naughtiness.
3. Work's Christmas party was awesome. We had the Pirate Game but I just ended up with a set of lotions (like every year). Some people went crazy. One got a Silver Bullet (nobody dared steal that from her), another got a set of handcuffs, lubricant, corset, thong and garter. My boss stole that... And he put them on (thong on his head and corset over clothes). I HAVE INCRIMINATING PICTURES XD. Then the other doctor stole those from him. His wife was so flustered.
4. Christmas was better than expected, but also uneventful.
5. Work's impromptu New Year's party was great, except for the fact that I drank a lot and they wanted to to pressure me into drinking even more!
6. New Year's was... sorry I wasn't conscious. I still had a headache from the party at work the day before, so I went to bed at 10 pm.
7. Last weekend I met with Fred at the Animazing Gallery in NYC to see the Frouds exhibit. Then we had lunch at this little bakery in Soho and proceeded to the HBO stores and checked out the Game of Thrones merchandise. There was a lot of True Blood stuff except for caps. I wanted a cap *pouts*. Then we stopped at Bryant Park to watch the people ice skate. There were lots of people falling and this little pint sized 2-3 year old girl moving like nothing. The cuteness!! After that, we got to the theater to see Seminar, a play about 4 aspiring writers attending a seminar in fiction taught by this relatively famous writer.
There, we got to see Jerry O'Connell (Douglas) opening up with a rambling self serving monologue about internalizations and externalizations and crap. This character is a preppie, name-dropping, pompous young writer trying to add one more name to his dozens. Then we have Hamish Linklater (Martin) seems a very insecure, almost kind of neurotic young man who has been writing a novel for years and has never shown it to anyone. I especially like the portrayal of this character the most. This actor is AWESOME. There is also Lily Rabe (Kate), a young woman, in whose upper west side apartment the seminar is being held. She is... confronts life with bravado, but to me she seems repressed, maybe because of insecurity. She had been writing a novel for 6 years because people told her "it's better than most". Then there is Hetienne Park (Izzy), the nympho, or should I say "the leather". She would sleep her way to success, very outspoken and surprisingly good at writing. For last, I leave Alan Rickman (Leonard), whose character here reminds me of some of the Snapes in fanfiction in that he seems arrogant, extremely critical, inconsiderate of his students feelings, in other words a bastard, but who is a very deep character with a lot of layers and so REAL it's scary. Or maybe it's just Rickman's work. I love his diction *squeal*
I went to the play hoping to get a picture with Rickman, and after it was over everyone lined out next door for the actors to sign autographs and pictures. I did get autographs and pictures for O'Connell, Linklater and Park. Then we heard: "Mizter Rikman doezn't come out for matineez". Shit. There went my hopes!! If only I had gone to the evening show!! Imagine a picture with Alan Rickman!!!
Anyway, then we went to the Village to the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop, because Fred promised and he knows better than to play me. Oh, there were so many options!!! They recommended the Salty Pimp but I got a little hesitant and decided to go for Bea Arthur. Next time, I'll try it. Then we went to Union Square and decided to go to the Coffee Shop Bar for dinner.
On our walk to Penn Station, Fred's picture of the Empire State was spoiled by my dorkiness :P (I swear I thought I didn't make it!!). Once there, we parted ways. I got home by 9:30 but poor Fred was on the road till midnight. Oh, and all that day my toes, fingers and ass were practically frozen!!! Never again!!
8. Waiting for the release of the new Ai no Kusabi XDDDD.
Can't wait!!