Sep 07, 2007 04:04
everything is falling apart. im broke. i just realized i dont even have the money to go see andrea this weekend. maybe i can borrow it from my parents but i dont know how that would go. and to think... i was so excited about this weekend too. ive been working so hard on my present for andrea. but then i checked on my bank account. and now im screwed. im out of money. i called unemployment and the soonest i could possibly get a check is the end of next week... ive spent the last 2 hours crying and making resumes and posting resumes and searching jobs. i cant find any. they all require something i dont have. i just want my old shitty job back. or i want the job i wanted to find my resume that slid behind their desk and call me. im not qualified to do anything so why cant the one i at least would be happy to have call me back? i should go back to looking at job listings. my writing is hard to read anyway when i have my emotional crashes.... sorry.....