Nov 22, 2005 13:57
I had a very weird dream again last night. Not a nightmare at all surprisingly enough, but still very very strange. I cant quite remember exactly how it starts, but ill tell it from where i remember (and some is still sorta vague).
Anyway, so the part i remember starts off when im going into a classroom...
Its kind of dimly lit, and its also sloped, sorta like a theater. I have a couple things, i dont remember exactly what, but i set them down under my feet and sit down. After a few minutes somebody comes in and says class is cancelled or something so we all leave. I pick up my stuff and go out the outside door and start walking down the sidewalk towards a "portable" (the trailers schools use for extra class rooms). When im just about there this guy i knew in school comes up to me and is all mad at me about something, i think he was accusing me of taking his pencil or something. Anyway, he like attacks me with two pencils and i grab them and throw them, and he ends up breaking mine. So i turn around and start running, i dont think i was running away from him but i start running, and i like turn into a big marble, and everything goes black around me like im in space and im on a huge racetrack or something thats made of rainbow colored light. As im racing around i can hear a radio broadcast where they are announcing the actors that are being cast in the new "friends" tv show. As they get to one of the actors they say they have him in the studio and so start interviewing him. Hes talking about his "strange bedroom" or something like that. And as he does so i go off of a jump and hit a giant block in midair. It starts to open like some kind of puzzle box or something and turns into a bed with these 3-4 foot high pyramids in a circle around it. I drive around a shortcut so i can jump up and see it better again, but when i jump up this time the space inside the circle of pyramids becomes a pool of water. There is like a platform that is still bedlike in the middle, and the pool is square not circle, but there are four floating platforms in the pool, one above and below the bed and one on each side. There is a person laying on each of the platforms (one of those people is me). And each person has one finger in the water and is moving it around, which causes a reflection on the cieling that looks like fish swimming in the water (were not floating in space anymore). So after a few minutes Mystique and Sabertooth show up. There was another person with them but i cant remember who, probably toad or something. Anyway, so the four of us that are on the floating platforms get up and i can see that we are the fantastic four. I also can see the area around the pool for the first time and it is kinda out in a field or desert or something... maybe a savanah but less... exotic. For some reason though i would have been Mr Fantastic i fought a bit more like Thing, or perhaps sabertooth. But in the fight two of the others are killed, leaving me and Brandi (i think she was supposed to be the invisable woman, but she never went invisable). Anyway i believe both Mystique and Sabertooth are left and i try to keep fighting them but she says that we have more to protect then ourselves now and pulls a towel or cape or something out from infront of something shes been holding and its a baby. So i grab her and run to the other side of a portable (a different one i guess). We sit down against the wall of it and we can see the sun is setting and we are on the shadowey and cold side of the building. For some reason everything seems like we are just awaiting our deaths at the hands of the other two. We are talking about trying to survive against the mutants that attacked us and such, and she says she wants to go into the sun. We get up and walk around the building and ask them if we can come sit in the sun and they say we can, so we run out a hundred feet or something and sit in the sun, in the middle of this field.
Thats it, thats all i remember. i think i woke up then but i cant remember for sure. So there ya have it, a look at my crazy dreams.
Other then this crazy thing, nothing much is going on. Brandi is sick and wont let me come see her, and nothing too out of the ordinary is happening otherwise.