Long time no post!

May 27, 2010 15:34

Wow it has been a long time since I have posted. Ren Faire (My full time job) got in the way. Now its all over, except for tear down that is, but over it is and I can start to breath once again.  One really bad thing is that I got so crazy busy with my job that I ate really badly and am now paying for it.  So I have decided that I am going to take back my life with a little help from my friends.  Yesterday I went and bought a bike ($88 for a nice Mountain Bike at WalMart) and this morning I actually went on a  6 mile bike ride  befor work on the Chandler Blvd. Bike path between the Burbank and North Hollywood. I can already feel the soarness in my legs.  Note to self, start eating more bananas.  Also, just finished officially signing up for the Disney 5K family marathon in Sept. This is part of the reason why I went and got a bike so I could cross train with it.  I won't be doing the Marathon alone i will have some good freinds with me ( Colleen, Mortan, Lydia, Anna, Nichole) and we are going to start training by walking / running the Rose Bowl at least twice a week until the martathon.  I am actually excited about this.  I have put myself back onto my weight watchers diet plan as well so I am hoping that by September there will be less of me to love. LOL! Wish me luck.


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