Carlos is in a twisted stage show. Come and see

Dec 01, 2008 11:25

Hello all ,

I just wanted to let you all know about a show that I have been rehearsing for about a month now. I think that this show is right up some of your twisted alleys.  LOL.  It is  in the form of Grand Guingol,  As used today, the term 'Grand Guignol' (pronounced Grahn Geen-yol') refers to any dramatic entertainment that deals with macabre subject matter and features “over-the-top” graphic violence (Think Sweeny Todd) . It is derived from Le Theatre du Grand Guignol, the name of the Parisian theatre that horrified audiences for over sixty years. A typical evening at the Grand Guignol Theatre might consist of five or six short plays, ranging from suspenseful crime dramas to bawdy sex farces. But the staple of the Grand Guignol repertoire was the horror play, which inevitably featured eye-gouging, throat-slashing, acid-throwing, or some other equally grisly climax. Like I said right up some of your alleys.  Here is the link with all the information on it.

Thanks gang. Hope to see you there

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