Oct 03, 2009 00:08
I probably should have posted about this at the beginning of the term, but I (perhaps foolishly) didn't anticipate that it was going to be as much of a problem as it is, so! Better late than never. I'm not sure if anyone actually cares about all this, but all things considered, I thought I had better explain myself, at least, instead of just disappearing. Well, technically I've disappeared already, but you know what I mean.
I am in my last semester of college right now, and in order to be able to graduate, I've got a relatively heavy courseload as well as having a senior thesis to write (which is a lot of work all by itself). So I'm in class all day until about 4:30, and after that I've got a ton of schoolwork to do, so I usually don't manage to even start looking at RP stuff until 10 or 11 PM (EST), and then I only manage to stick around for a few hours before passing out on my keyboard. So yes, I am slow and thread-droppy and around even less than usual, and it will probably get worse before it gets better. Therefore:
- If you want to thread with one of my characters, whether for some specific purpose or just in general, let me know! It helps if you're willing to carry a thread on over several days, but it's not a necessity.
- If I have dropped a thread with you and you want to continue it, also let me know! With everything that's going on, I forget stuff; I'm not trying to shun anyone or anything.
- I really do apologize for my non-existence recently (and, in advance, for the next three months). I would rather be RPing, believe me. I'm sorry if my absence inconveniences or annoys anyone. If at any point I find it impossible to maintain any activity whatsoever in the game, I will drop, but I very much hope it doesn't come to that.
... That being said, my character load is too heavy for the amount of free time I have now, I just can't figure out who should get the ax. Every time I think I've made up my mind, I throw the character in question out somewhere and go "... but wait, I'm still having fun with them! I can't drop them now!" So... yeah, working on that.
And that's it. Sorry for the tl;dr there.