Sep 09, 2004 12:20
well here i am at work, with nothing to do and getting paid for sitting here writing on my journal. lame. my poor boss just left for his class and hes not coming back. turns out he has a head cold and he may not even be here tomorrow. i may get off of work in the next hour or so if no one has anything for me to do, which honestly does not bother me one bit.
the past week has been lots and lots of fun. no class on monday=shorter week that flies by! awesome. monday afternoon me and will went to university park over there by Highland Park Presbyterian Church. we got some awesome shots and were even attacked by ducks. it was good times. im having so much fun filming and getting to learn what its going to be like being a journalist. exciting stuff.
tuesday night was full of roommate bonding. i dont think it could have gone any better to tell you the truth. christine and i were oh-so-bummed and just talking about stuff was making us upset. we went out in search of dinner at like 830 and i was so hungry since i hadnt eaten since 11 that morning. everywhere we went was closed and we were just aimlessly walking around campus and ended up in mcelvaney at the midnight express thanks to the help of my brilliant friend jordan. we got some bowl appetits and made them back at the dorm, and were quite excited when we remembered christine had some "grape juice" (read: wine). it was quite wonderful sipping from wine glasses and doing homework. our worries melted away and it was even more fun when jordan came over later to do shakespeare homework with me. good times.
wednesday was fun too. sarah didnt come over because she had a bunch of stuff going on, but is promising to come by SMU tonight which im sooooooooooo excited about! i had my basic audio/video lab yesterday, and we were just put into groups and given cameras and told to go shoot parts of the campus for the daily update since we dont have that many bumps or teasers. i got put into a group with kimberly (my RA last year) and Heather, an SMU cheerleader. theyre both Chi O's, and i have to say i was all insecure at first like they were going to just talk to each other the whole time and forget that i was even there, but that was so not true! they were soooo nice to me, and we were laughing and joking around in no time. heather is a film major not really broadcast like me and kimberly, so she has this really good eye for these uber cool shots. we were told to go to the meadows museum and shoot stuff over there. we got some cool shots of the wave, some of the outside statues, and we went inside and were allowed into this room thats not even open to the public yet. it was so gorgeous! it was the oval shaped room with all these chandilers in it and these paintings that were from floor to ceiling. it was awesome. kimberly and heather were really really fun to work with, and then we kinda started talking about greek life and they were just so nice and giving me all this info. they were telling me a lot about the girls in their sorority and i have to say the stereotypes ive heard about Chi O's were not so true. i mean, granted, there are girls like that in every sorority, but apparently not all Chi O's have that bad rep. i still really want to rush next semester, and hanging out with girls like Kimberly and Heather make me want to get to know the other sorority girls in my class because theyre all really humble and down to earth. good times. later that night me, ben (benny bone), and jordan (tree trunk terry), went to the angelika to see "outfoxed" for my journalism class, and jordan wanted to do a review for the daily campus. it was a documentary about the fox network being almost too conservative, and how we should take "the man" (aka the fox network) down to stop their republican take over. loved the reference to the movie network: "IM MAD AS HELL AND IM NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" hmm good times indeed.
today i had my first test of my sophomore year. it was in my basic audio/video class. i studied hard last night after me and the boys got back from dinner. i think i did pretty okay, but i guess we'll see on tuesday. i think i might be going back to my room in a bit. got stuff to do and might take a nap. mmm now that sounds appealing. i have my website class at 330, and an SF meeting at 5, and then sarahs coming over at 6. so today should be looking up, not to mention the fact that its absolutely GORGEOUS outside.
well, i hope everyones having a terrific thursday, and only one more day till the freakin' weekend! woo woo!
thats how i roll,
fun quotes:
ben: *talking about the salad bowls at rfoc* "these damn faggy have to hold on to them!!!"
jordan: *parks in a spot thats not for a compact car* "so this is what its like to have room on the side of your car..."
christine: "mmmmm jamaican!" me: "jamaican me crazy!!!!"
laurel: "so i just saw my freshman and i dont think he remembered me" *sigh* "im sorry im just trying to get over the devastation of our failed relationship
mike: "no no! those are my red least i hope they are..."
will: *to the ducks at the park* "yall are some ugly motherfuckers!"
christine: "i dont really like the last line of that song 'i love you just the way you look tonight' its like, what about the other nights?! hmm..."
heather: "yeah she was with this guy, and he like just layed on her and jumped right off and was done....thats why we call him squeeze 'n go..."