Naruto :: Heartfelt: Daybreak :: G :: no pairings

Aug 15, 2009 20:41

Title: Heartfelt: Daybreak
Fandom: Naruto
Pairings: None
Rating: G
Genre: General
Word count: 556
Spoilers: Alludes to spoilers in chapter 459.
Summary: My optimistic take on what could happen between Naruto and Sakura after chapter 459. :D Part of a two-piece drabble pair.
Note: ...I think this just goes to show why I'm better at Sasuke than I am at Naruto. :| My optimism is cheesy as heck. "LET'S SAVE SASUKE-KUN, NARUTO." "OKAY." "PINKY-SWEAR, Y/N?" "YUS. LET'S CHANGE SASUKE. AND KONOHA, TOO. CHANGE IT SO THAT NO ONE HAS TO BE POOR. CHANGE IT SO THAT NO ONE SUFFERS NEEDLESSLY--" *shot*

"...I see." Naruto winced, looking aside as Sakura continued to stare at her feet. "So then..."

"I don't think they'll wait for us either way," she said softly, heavily, going even quieter. "So... that's why..."

He held his breath without realizing and lifted his wide eyes to her face, half-expecting her to actually encourage him to go along with it - to save himself the pain and let someone else take over, because all he'd done was fail and it was time he stopped letting everyone down, time he faced reality and accepted that some things were beyond his doing. Time to realize that he couldn't do everything he promised just because he promised.

"...That's why we have to get to Sasuke-kun first."

Blinking, Naruto stared, and Sakura stared back at him with a look he didn't recognize: it was determination, but a different sort from before. It wasn't the we can do it if we try, we'll both be there together look that she always gave. It was a grim, dogged look, and he already knew what she was going to say.

"We're going to get to him first, because if we don't... there's no question that he'll die." She seemed to waver. "We have to... even if you and I..."

Slowly, Naruto's frown faded into a thin line - and then broke into a grin. Just hearing that much - that she still believed in him, still had faith that he could succeed - that he wasn't alone - was enough. More than enough, even if they did have to go at it with just the two of them. "Don't sweat it. Sasuke's a member of Team Seven, so it's only right that Team Seven brings him in." His expression melted into a smaller smile. "...We couldn't talk him out of leaving, so it just proves that it's our place to fix that." Watching him, Sakura gave a small smile of her own, even if it was still troubled, and Naruto hesitated. "Sakura-chan," he began gently, "I said I'd do this. If you don't want-"

"No," she interrupted. "We both said we'd do this. This is just as much my responsibility. And..." She glanced aside, her right hand fisting anxiously. "...And I don't want you to suffer anymore because of me," she said in a low voice. He blinked again.


"Naruto." He stood to attention as she fixed him with another serious look. "I know... I said before that I would help you, that I'd be there with you, but... this time, I mean it. I'll be right there beside you, every step of the way. To the end." There was an odd tone to her words, and there was enough earnestness in her expression that Naruto knew not to question, even if it bothered him that she had used the word suffer.

But time was short and he could address it later.

"Okay," he said with a nod, and couldn't help smiling again. "Thanks, Sakura-chan."

"For what?"

"Everything." Shrugging, he turned slightly sheepish. "I think I do better when someone's there watching me, anyway." Sakura's eyes softened; Naruto went to move past her. "There's something I have to take care of, so go ahead and get ready. I'll be back soon."

He felt her eyes on his back the whole time as he hurried off.

naruto: naruto uzumaki, naruto: sakura haruno, naruto, general

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