Title: One-Shot Kill
Fandom: Naruto
Character/s: Sasuke, Kabuto
Prompt: #020 - Doorknob
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Eyes fixed unblinking on the door handle, Sasuke lingered just out of sight of the doorway to Orochimaru's quarters, muscles somewhere between tensed and relaxed as he waited, fingers gripping his katana's hilt. One shot. He had one shot at this.
But he was confident.
His heartbeat picked up - in excitement, anticipation, and a touch of impatience - as he saw the handle turn; Kabuto emerged, and then after only a brief pause departed down the hall. Once Sasuke no longer sensed him, he darted silently forward, no room for hesitation, and drove his chakra blade into and through the door.
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