Title: The Matriarch Influence
Fandom: Naruto
Character/s: Fugaku, Mikoto, fetus!Sasuke :D
Prompt: #014 - Love
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
" 'Sasuke?' " Fugaku echoed. He glanced up from his scroll, expression curious. "What's it mean?"
"Nothing," Mikoto admitted cheerfully, careful to watch that her swollen belly didn't disturb the stack of freshly folded towels before her. "But it has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
"Hm..." His attention fell back to his work. "A bit unusual, if you ask me."
Slightly deflated, she also returned to her task in silence. A moment later she heard him stand, and then felt him touch her shoulders. "...It's a fine name."
Mikoto smiled, patting his hand. "That's what Itachi said."
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