Resident Evil :: 50 Sentences :: PG-13 :: Leon/Ada hints

Oct 01, 2007 15:18

Title: 50 Sentences
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairings: Leon/Ada hints
Rating: PG-13 (language, violence)
Genre: Horror, action, drama, general, humor
Word count: 2,376
Spoilers: Yes, for Resident Evil 0, 1, and 4.
Summary: My Resident Evil claim for 1fandom.
Notes: Some of these were done literally at the last minute, so... ah, no excuses. Some of these just suck.

#01 - Step
Chris came to a quiet halt, his heartbeat quickening as he caught the sound of footsteps continuing even after he had stopped.

#02 - Squeeze
Ada didn’t bother trying to mask the pain - her lips jerked apart and she screamed, her hand flying for the dagger on her leg as Saddler’s tentacle continued to crush and drive her delicate ribs into her lungs.

#03 - Dirt
Leon was airborne, he struck the ground, was briefly airborne again, and then hit the dirt and rolled, various bits of rock and glass and debris ripping at his skin until the back of his head struck something hard and brought him to an abrupt stop.

#04 - Late
“You’re late,” Krauser grunted, and then acknowledged the slight upturn of her bright lips with a scowl that he didn’t try to hide.

#05 - Money
Leon wrinkled his nose as he watched the small fire quickly consume the dollar bill, reminding himself that twenty bucks was a small price to pay to keep decently warm for a couple hours.

#06 - Aid
After Chris departed to leave Rebecca alone with the piano, she mumbled a quiet thanks to Billy, wherever he was, for giving her a few unasked pointers on the instrument back at the Arklay facility.

#07 - Myth
Even with all Jill had seen up to that point, she dismissed Richard’s claims of a giant snake as exaggerated hallucinations caused by the spreading venom.

#08 - Piece
Having finally found the key to that safe behind the picture frame, Jill nearly lost her temper anew when all it yielded was an engraved silver medallion, and she had to resist the overwhelming urge to chuck it through the nearest window in frustration.

#09 - Child
Billy had been following Rebecca for several minutes before choosing to reveal himself, but when he did he received a surprise of his own: it had been dark all along the train, so it wasn’t until she turned around that he saw how young she looked and mentally started - Shit, she’s a damn kid…

#10 - Confess
“…I didn’t kill those people,” said Billy at last, hoarsely, “but I couldn’t do a thing to save them… and that makes me just as guilty as the man who ordered the attack.”

#11 - Trick
There was a bit of satisfaction as Ada watched Leon’s muscles tense in surprise and response to the gun she was holding to his head; satisfaction, if only because she loved to keep him guessing.

#12 - Out
Swinging around the corner and finding himself back in the restaurant’s front, Leon flew between and over the scattered tables and dishes as he headed for the large front window - if the door was barricaded, he’d just take the only other way out - and at the last second he threw his arms protectively over his head and jumped for it -

- and an instant later crumpled to the floor with a loud cry of “shit!” when the window didn’t shatter.

#13 - Best
It wasn’t the best thing Billy had tasted by a long run - prison had had better - but he was aware of the effort Rebecca had put forth to give them something to eat at all, so he just grinned and bore it and ate what he could.

#14 - Mother
Despite that it struck her as somewhat childish, the first thing Jill did once she returned to her apartment after escaping the mansion was call her mother, but she managed to stave off her tears until after she hung up.

#15 - Book
Immersed in the faded yellow pages, Ada didn’t hear the faint sound of approaching footsteps at first, but then a shift and creak of wooden planks had her whipping around, snapping the heavy book shut and then hurling it at the pitchfork-wielding farmer who had snuck into the room - the corner connected with the space between his eyes, knocking his head back with a pained howl, and a second later Ada had withdrawn and fired her pistol to send a bullet into and through his exposed throat.

#16 - Victim
Given her career and experiences with the undead, Rebecca was used to gruesome sights and disturbing details; but the first time she saw crime scene photographs of a child who had been mauled by one of Umbrella’s experiments, tears stung her eyes and she had to look away.

#17 - Power
There hadn’t been a matter of why or what if when Krauser made his choice; the Plagas offered power, strength, near invulnerability - everything he had sought after that helicopter crash had left him half-dead - and all it required was a little physical discomfort on his end, a small price to pay and almost nothing compared to what he could inflict himself.

#18 - Redeem
He had asked himself which was more important - the job he hated or the sense of morality he still possessed that he also sometimes hated - and even now, as he lay dying, Luis felt - knew - that he had made the right choice, even if it wasn’t the smart one.

#19 - Bleak
Despite the grim circumstances and the promise of more ahead of them, Rebecca smirked, grinned, and then began to laugh at Billy’s joke, not so much at the humor as it was at the relief that they could still joke at this point.

#20 - Shrapnel
“What-?” Ashley wondered, turning, but she was knocked suddenly off her feet as Leon tackled her with a grunt; a second later something exploded and she screamed as a nearby window shattered, showering them with jagged bits of glass that nicked what parts of her skin were still uncovered.

#21 - Humane
A sob built up in Rebecca’s throat as she raised the gun, her shaking hands causing the barrel to bounce in her attempt to settle it on Edward’s chest, and only her silent insistence (You have no choice - it’s the only way, the right thing - ) enabled her to finally pull the trigger.

#22 - Anger
Leon’s blood had been at the top of his list, but Krauser had to admit that this scarlet bitch was cutting it close.

#23 - Team
At the sound of his name Leon quickly turned, snatched the clip of bullets out of the air, and began to reload, trusting Luis to once again watch his back.

#24 - Terror
Ashley had been scared before - from being anxious over little things to being terrified when her father was taken to the emergency room during a heart attack - but she had never felt this kind of horror, the kind that froze her blood and made her heart skip a painful beat and drove her mind to a blank, the kind that had tears springing to her eyes when she was sure she was going to die; it was nothing short of utter terror, and it was hell because she was forced to feel it time and time again.

#25 - Natural
“Sometimes sacrifice is necessary,” said Ada calmly, her distant gaze fixed on the tabletop, “as I’m sure you understand better than most people, Leon.”

#26 - Never
“It’s only sacrifice if you lose something you care about,” Leon pointed out; he didn’t say anything after that, but Ada caught the insinuation, which hurt a little more than it should have: And in that regard, I don’t think you’ve ever really sacrificed anything.

#27 - Fidelity
Billy stubbornly insisted that he had saved her out of obligation towards their truce; neither bought it.

#28 - Neglect
Shortly after Ashley began rifling through his bag, a small yelp of surprise reminded Leon that he had forgotten to warn her about the glass eye he’d picked up.

#29 - Face
There were plenty of occasions where Ashley wanted nothing more than to break down and cry - at the hopelessness of it all, her exhaustion, her constant worry whenever Leon wasn’t around, the blood staining her clothes - but whenever she felt that burdening pressure building up in her chest, she would only look at Leon’s calloused hands, at the sweat breaking out on his neck and forehead, and then she would find the strength to hide her anxiety behind an unsteady but confident smile.

#30 - Lurk
Hiding in and working from the shadows was Ada’s natural ability and preferred manner of getting things done; it fit her personality, her talents, even her slender and silent figure, and most of all it fit her knack for playing several sides at once.

#31 - Grow
There was no question that the parasites were growing - more than once, Leon found himself drifting in thought or making sudden, small movements that he hadn’t planned to; he noticed the same in Ashley from time to time, but said nothing.

#32 - Skin
Rebecca’s stomach lurched when she caught sight of the burgundy streak along her forearm, but a hasty look revealed that it was a stain, not a scratch, and she quickly released the breath she had been holding.

#33 - Sick
Ashley’s reaction in response to her sudden exposure to such blatant and random violence was rather delayed; after being somewhat numb to it at first, it wasn’t until she saw Leon swat a mosquito on his arm that she finally lost it, the sight of smeared blood almost driving her to her knees as she vomited.

#34 - Dare
Back when he had first known Krauser, neither Leon nor any of the team would have dared to take him on in a knife fight, but in the two years since that acclaimed fatal crash, Leon had sharpened and honed his skills in addition to what pointers Krauser had occasionally given him.

#35 - Worth
Sure, Rebecca was putting her career on the line by letting him go, but after the night they’d both had, she was glad to simply get out of the facility alive; if the federal heads wanted to incriminate her for that, then screw them.

#36 - Last
It took Chris about a year to get rid of most of the nightmares; Jill, Rebecca, and Ashley, about two; Billy, less than a year; Claire, just under three; and while they became less intense over time, the nightmares never really stopped for Leon or Ada.

#37 - Year
Despite having her advances shot down, Ashley made an effort to keep in contact with Leon following the adventure in Spain and after a while he did too, working around his busy schedule and her college days, and even if they went for months without speaking to each other, there was an agreement between them to meet every year on that day - the day they had met - for at least a couple of minutes to have lunch.

#38 - Prime
“You’re slowing down, Jack,” Ada purred, her tone a blend of sarcasm, sweetness, and mockery as she settled onto the cold railing behind her, ignoring the glare Krauser was sending her; “I do believe you’re past your prime.”

#39 - Taste
Leon’s back hit the wall and he tasted blood as he felt his organs slam upward into his lungs, driving them against his ribcage and roughly forcing the breath from his throat.

#40 - Beyond
What Ashley felt for Leon went beyond his position as her rescuer, even beyond the small crush she harbored for a while - he became something of a true friend to her, something that, she found, was more difficult to get with her life than most realized.

#41 - Final
Billy caught the magnum, mechanically brought it up and fired at the heart of the quivering mass - the noise exploded in his ears as silence seemed to fall, the silence of the world coming to a halt as it held its breath in anticipation of this last-ditch effort - and then the bullet connected, the leech-like monster seemed to erupt with an ear-splitting cry, and time moved blissfully forward.

#42 - Event
For Ashley, it wasn’t the getting kidnapped that was so unbearable as it was what came after: the waiting, sometimes hours at a time - unsure if help was going to come, if Leon was alive, if she would live much longer - was intense enough to drive someone insane as she waited for something, anything, to happen, although she dreaded most possibilities.

#43 - Secure
Less than five hours ago, Billy Coen had been her enemy; now, Rebecca secretly would have given anything to have him by her side as she stepped down into that cool, dark stone corridor.

#44 - Ring
Jill dived as the giant snake lunged - its scaly belly brushed her hip, its teeth missed their mark, but a jolt of pain struck her hand as she hit the dusty floor and her gun was knocked askew, twisting her finger back in the trigger ring with a low pop.

#45 - Settle
Despite Leon’s obvious urgency to get through to whatever rendezvous point he was aiming for, he recognized Ashley’s need for rest and occasionally stopped to give it to her, which she appreciated to no end; but after waking up the first two times to nearby gunfire - once being a shotgun - she decided to cease any attempts at getting actual sleep and settled for simply resting her legs.

#46 - Energy
While Ashley was positively sick of being held captive, she nonetheless managed to put a positive spin on it, figuring it gave her some time to regain her strength if nothing else.

#47 - Center
Having never been very good at puzzles, Ashley probably stood in the middle of that room for half an hour as she huddled over the pedestal, the stiff knights hovering on the edge of her flashlight beam and causing her to frequently glance up or over her shoulder, effectively ruining her concentration.

#48 - Ordinary
Growing up, it had never been a secret that Leon just plain sucked at comebacks; even so, that didn’t stop him from trying.

#49 - Voice
When Billy’s voice finally crackled over the radio, Rebecca released the breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding.

#50 - Hang
Leon could feel the skin of his knuckles being scraped open as Krauser’s boot continued to grind at his fingers, but he only clenched his jaw and tore his knife from the sheath on his shoulder, a second later lunging upward to slash haphazardly at Krauser’s shin - it connected, slit, Krauser swore and stepped back, and Leon quickly hauled himself up onto the ledge.

resident evil, resident evil: chris redfield, drama, resident evil: ada wong, resident evil: luis sera, resident evil: jill valentine, resident evil: rebecca chambers, humor, action, resident evil: leon kennedy, resident evil: jack krauser, resident evil: leon/ada, resident evil: ashley graham, horror, general, resident evil: billy coen

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