Naruto :: So Hard to Imagine :: M :: no pairings

Sep 17, 2007 16:29

Title: So Hard to Imagine
Fandom: Naruto
Pairings: none
Rating: M (violence, gore, torture)
Genre: Horror
Word count: 1,236
Spoilers: No
Summary: My third-person sample for my Kakashi application over at damned. Kakashi wakes up to a bright light and a biopsy.

He was on his back.

There was no sensation of waking, of stirring from a previous slumber, whether deep or light. He was just there, as if he had instantly transported from... wherever he had been.

But where was there? He had no memory of that, either.

Cold metal seeped through his shirt, making inwardly Kakashi wince as the sensation suddenly hit him. It bit and seared into his skin to the point where he wanted to leap off whatever he was on, but the effort went outwardly unnoticed.

His arms were above his head, heavy and motionless. He tried to move them. Failed. Tried to shift his gaze - to breathe - but nothing worked. He could only stare up at the ceiling, or where the ceiling would have been had there not been a body-length mirror suspended about three feet over him. In his peripheral vision, everything else was white. Bright, blinding white, bright enough to make him squint if he had been able. Moisture formed in the corners of his eyes as they burned, wanting to blink.

Looking in the mirror, he realized that his left eye was open, revealing the vibrant red of the Sharingan. At least, his eye was as crimson as always, traced with a faintly discernable ring of black, but his actual vision was normal as if the Sharingan wasn't there at all. He tried to close his eye, and then simply blink when nothing happened, but that was as fruitless as anything else.

Suddenly there was a rapid movement to his left. Instinct had Kakashi wanting to move, to react to the possible threat as he was trained - but his mind was still the only thing working. He could feel his body fine, but the signals he sent his muscles weren't reaching their destination.

Nerves? he wondered, but the thought faded as something dark loomed in front of the light, casting a shadow on Kakashi's face and temporarily blinding him as his eyes readjusted to the dimness. His breath caught in surprise - or would have (was he even breathing? Yes, his chest was rising, he felt stale air in his throat) -; the one standing over him was a man, judging from its figure, who sported a stark-white coat and a surgical mask over the lower half of his face - a face he didn't have. Kakashi could only use his peripheral vision, but he was certain that where the man's eyes should have been, there were only empty, fleshy scoops of skin, as if the eyes and even the eye sockets hadn't ever existed.

What... Kakashi made to speak, but again in vain. Another figure, now on his right. Another joined the first, and then another, until some half a dozen people were crowded around him. As they went, he tried to focus chakra to the Sharingan, hoping it had ceased working on some type of fluke - and then to his dismay discovered that he couldn't even sense his chakra. It... it was there, as it always was - obviously. It was a natural life process, as necessary as blood and soul - but he couldn't control it. Couldn't even access it; it was as if it was dormant, but that didn't make any sense. Even if he had been given drugs to suppress his control over his chakra, he should still be able to feel it.

All of a sudden the figures fell still, the silent murmur between them dying. They stood, unseeing faces turned on Kakashi. Silent. Waiting.

Who are you? Silence. Heavy silence; Kakashi thought he could feel it pressing down on his chest.

The first man moved. Peripheral vision was no help - Kakashi had to use the overhead mirror to see -

A glint of silver.


No response from his chakra network or reserves.

What -

The tool lingered over his chest, perpendicular to his body's line of symmetry. Kakashi watched as it moved in a smooth, steady, and unwavering arc, never touching, up his collar, his neck, his chin, to pause over his left eye. There the hand twisted slightly, placing the thin blade at an angle.

Even if Kakashi had been capable of movement, he still might not have seen the move coming. With only an instant's hesitation and no warning, the scalpel dove down and moved in a brief, U-shaped motion as it traced the lower half of Kakashi's red iris, effectively separating it from the white of his eye in a perfect cut -

Pain. Unbelievable, agonizing pain, the like of which Kakashi hadn't felt in so long, and yet it had never been so intricate and excruciating all at once - the only thing that came close was when he had lost the original eye to a swift kunai -

The need to react, to scream, to flail, was overwhelming, and the inability to do any of those was suffocating. For a split-second he thought his chest stopped, faltering in its strangely calm, even pattern of breathing - but no, try as he might, he couldn't do anything after that. He couldn't do anything except watch - watch as, only a yard away, the figure continued the incision about Kakashi's eye, neatly cutting along the very edge of scarlet until he reached where he began. Then another man leaned forward, tweezers in hand, and assumed the place of the first -

Kakashi's eyes were damp with anguish.

- the fine points caught the edge of the iris -

Another flare of pain. Kakashi's mind was numb, blind, and screaming. He felt sick. The blood vessels in his eyes were pumping madly; a pinkish color had taken to what before had been white.

- and lifted, exposing a grey, filmy patch in the middle of his mutilated eyeball -


Kakashi bolted upright, breathing heavy and back soaked in perspiration. Bed - he was in bed - he reached up to feel his left eye. It was there, it was whole as far as he could tell.

A dream...


A nightmare. That wasn't uncommon. But it had been years since he had had anything so brutal, or so realistic for that matter. In his line of work, even the subconscious couldn't be allowed to dwell too deeply on what he did - that's where things like insomnia came in. But this... perhaps just a long overdue reaction. Throwing the sheets back, he swung his legs towards the left side of the bed to stand up, but was unexpectedly met by plaster.

A wall? He reached out to feel, and sure enough, there was a wall running along the left side of his bed. Puzzled, he reached to the right to fumble for a night table, found it - was he in the hospital? He couldn't remember; his mind was still foggy with sleep - and clicked it on.

He wasn't in his bedroom. He certainly wasn't in the hospital.


Several things happened. First, Kakashi recognized rather quickly that he had no idea where he was. Then he realized that he couldn't feel his chakra; and he felt... heavy. Drowsy, almost, although he felt wide awake. His senses were dampened - his sight seemed darker, his hearing muffled, his smell blocked. Last, and it took him a moment to discover this, he comprehended that his left eye was open (he always kept it closed, even when first waking up, but sensing something wrong had instinctively opened it). The only problem was, he couldn't see out of it.

His eye was blind.

naruto: kakashi hatake, naruto, horror

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