So, with no ceremony at all, on to the second Pierrefonds photopost! I was a bit disappointed that there was no sign of Colin or Eoin or Rupert or Tom, but it was fabulous fun anyway.
We found the filming around mid-afternoon, and I think they were just starting again after a lunch-break - we saw Bradley walking out of the rest-area, and they were setting up when we arrived.
I have to apologise to my #crossbow peeps for the failure of the kidnapping plans - but in my defence, there was a rather large wall in the way! We sat on a hill on the other side and had a pretty good view, but everything was at some distance from us. Pics were mostly taken with full x12 zoom on my camera - which, while not bad quality, is nowhere near good enough to get good shots from that kind of distance. Sorry for the lack of close-ups! Hopefully some of the other people on the hill were fans as well, because there was a bunch of them with super-power cameras. I did my best, though!
The whole set looked amazing!
We had just arrived when Angel came out of the tents and was ensconced in the pavillion.
She stayed there the whole time we were watching and seemed fairly bored for most of it, and spent a fair while reading a book.
Shortly after this, a familiar face emerged from a tent!
Unfortunately, the armour managed to get in the way of Bradley's face a fair bit. He stood around and posed for a photographer or something, it was hard to tell from the distance.
He was soon joined by Santiago! They got some instructions before blocking out a scene.
As this was going on, a few crewpeople were riding horses up and down along the tourney-field, not doing much more than just walking and trotting. We were told to be quiet whenever the horses were doing anything, in case they got spooked.
As far as we could tell, they were just filming one scene while we were there - from blocking, to closeups, to wider shots with extras, with several different perspectives. It was too far away to hear any dialogue, though, so all we have are visuals and guesses.
The scene went something like this:
The boys stand at a distance from each other, and then walk in to meet.
Lancelot takes off his gloves and kneels to Arthur.
Arthur beckons to him to stand, and they turn to the pavillion where Gwen is seated. She starts to clap.
There was some stuff with extras and such, as well, but nothing telling. Still not sure what was going on, but it will certainly be interesting to find out when the episode finally airs!
Because there was a fair bit of down-time, the boys would retreat to their tent whenever they weren't needed.
I guess it must be hard to get comfortable with all the armour on!
And then they re-emerged to film much closer to the wall! There was much rejoicing and photo-taking.
We still don't know what is being discussed in this scene, but there was a lot of speculation flying around! Unfortunately, they didn't stay so close for long, and as soon as they were done the crew started setting up for a big scene.
While they were setting up between takes, it seemed that most of the actors didnt have much to do, and we spotted a group just lying under the trees.
I was excited for a while, but it turned out just to be extras who looked like the boys. :(
Still - knights cuddlepile! There needs to be fic for this, rpf or canon, I don't care. :D
Just as they were finishing up filming near the wall, a new face appeared!
He went to sit up with Gwen on the pavillion, while the boys were below in on the field.
And then we were shooed away - I think either because they were going to do something with the horses, or because there was a massive spoilery scene about to be filmed.
So we went, and that means this is the end! In case anyone is interested, there are a few more at my
Flickr, but these are most of them, and also the best. Hope you enjoyed them! :)