Jan 08, 2011 21:57
Books to read:
The Apophenion - Peter J Carroll (already part-way through)
Small Gods - Terry Pratchett
The Illuminatus! Trilogy - Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
I, Robot - Isaac Asimov
The Salmon of Doubt - Douglas Adams
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J. K. Rowling (maybe)
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Inside Straight - George R. R. Martin (already part-way through)
I finished Inside Straight, still not opened any of the others.
Make more food to take to campus rather than buying it at Spar. I can make sandwiches cheaper myself after all.
I try this every so often, so that's better than not trying at all at least.
Get my 3rd year of NCB for my car insurance.
Done, that was easy.
Sell a car.
Done, though I didn't haggle enough.
Attempt to decrease the overall volume of "stuff" that I own, making more use of freegle, ebay, etc.
I think I did this, but I need to keep on going with it. Took a bunch of stuff to the charity shop recently and went to Cash Convertors in Blackpool. Want to have a look at the similar place in Lancaster sometime - Cash in a Dash I think?
Keep LibraryThing and my DVD/anime list up to date.
The former is I think, the latter will be in the next day or two.
Catch up on PCP, that will mean reading some every month without fail.
Epic fail. I am now at least a whole year behind.
Build up some savings.
I did, but I'm now in the process of using them up while I write my thesis.
Get my name on the authors list of at least 2 peer-reviewed scientific paper, one of which I should be 1st author.
Done - 1st author on two. :)
Be more confident giving talks.
I've had a bit of practice, but I dunno really...
Buy more chicken from more "ethically acceptable" sources, i.e. free range chicken breasts rather than generic cheap chicken nuggets.
I've cut down on KFC and never buy the cheapest chicken in supermarkets, etc.
Buy more local things from farms, like eggs, maybe milk too.
I buy most of my milk and eggs from a local farm.
Loose some weight - let's say 5kg.
Er, I blame Christmas...
Try to have less feeble arms.
Now I'm not shifting heavy gas cylinders, I'm sure they are even more feeble now. :(
Update my CV, have other people check it over and make a decent attempt at job hunting.
I have updated it, and have a meeting with my supervisor about such things next week. I've sent off my CV to a few random places and had one interview, no luck so far though really. I am also on the lookout for temp. part-time work in Lancaster.
Re-affirm/re-establish council of three.
Bit of a failure.
Go on IRC more often, but also cut down a bit on "Web 2.0" social network malarky.
Failed on the former, I plan to fix that soon though. I have cut down on Facebook though, I've lost interest a bit in the past year.