Stupidity and Christmas Trees

Dec 08, 2009 15:50

I'm trying to make an effort to write a post every day. Only problem is that my life isn't all that exciting. But here i go anyway.

So today I had class, boring as hell. I did some sleeping and hopefully not a lot of snoring. Then I called my work and was like "Yeah... I'm sick *cough cough*" But I'm not, I'm just really lazy today. You know when you're so lazy actually use up more energy just to think of an excuse to get out of things. That was my life today. I'm now trying very hard to reason with myself to do the laundry.

Hmm.... what other things are happening in Penny's life? Not that anyone cares. Well, I'm going through boy drama. I always have boy drama. When you have an ex who's really hot and still your friend it complicates your life. That's just a fact. So I'm mostly trying to avoid his hotness and get on with life, but alas... he's just so hot.

Oh Funny story, here I go. It had nothing to do with hot exes. So I have this friend. She's, well.... stupid. Now I know we all have stupid friends but I mean this girl is just stupid. I know it's sad that I'm saying this behind her back but you can't exactly say to someone "Hey, did you know you're a complete moron?" Because she really truly is. First off, she asked me if the moon was a star.

Oh yeah she did.

I replied with, "No... It's a... moon."

And so she said, "But the sun is a star! And the moon shines bright like the sun." Yeah like I DIDN'T already know this from kindergarden. Then she started going on about how the earth used to have three moons, and I'm trying to get her to stop embarrassing herself, only she gets madder until she starts ignoring me.

But just the other day she finally proved to me just hot completely empty her brain is. We were waiting for the light to change at the crosswalk and she looks over at a house with a christmas tree on their lawn and says, "Wow, what a coincidence a christmas tree grew right in front of their house!"

And I'm looking at this tree so I say, "It's a pine tree with lights on it."

"Yeah but they don't just grow anywhere."

Um.... they sorta kinda do.... This is freaking CANADA! So this led me to believe that she doesn't notice things unless they have bright flashing lights on them.

I weep for our generation.



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