this is a good meme to show up, considering I just hit a friending meme not too long ago

Nov 20, 2010 18:58

You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know?


My first name in real life is Kerra, which is a butchered version of Kerry because my dad is insanely picky about names but my mom hates names that end in an ee sound. My first name online is Tarot, because it sounds like my twin brother's middle name and I like Tarot cards. Derp.


Um, student. Highschool student. Although I supposed I dogwalk and babysit and write/draw a bit on the side. And I mooch at lunch, for which I get paid in food.


I have a beautiful girlfriend named Rosella, whose livejournal is duskbecomesher and whom I call Rella. She's from Italy--Triste, if I remember the city right--and lives in Southern California. She likes wearing skirts and dresses, she likes gardening, she has two cats in California named Bastet and Loki, and a bird in Italy. She has a half sister named Araceli, nicknamed Ara. She speaks and types properly, which is unbelievably charming, and has a very quiet sense of humor.

We've been together for over a year and half now and are still going strong, with only one issue a while back that was my fault and has been resolved. She's really sweet, and understanding, and accepting of all my flaws and idiosyncracies. And she seems kind of strict and very poised and elegant, but then she's also just really, really cute sometimes. HELLO KITTY BOYSHORTS


None. I probably won't ever have any, either; I'd be a shitty parent.


I have two brothers, one older and one fraternal twin. In hindsight, my older brother was something like my idol during my childhood, though I was completely tsundere and in denial about it. I'd make friends with his friends, and sneak through his things to read his manga and schoolwork, and play his video games, and so on. We were never really close, though, and I barely noticed when he left for college this year. Derp.

My fraternal twin, Sai, and I are attached at the hip, on the other hand, and always have been. We have more jokes than I could possibly count in a week, and we always read over each others' shoulders, so we're in all the same fandoms. I push him around and tease him a lot, but he never really minds. He's helped me through a lot of hard times, I'm not really sure where I'd be without him. YOU GUYS CAN MAKE INCEST JOKES ALL YOU WANT AND WE WON'T EVEN CARE, THAT IS HOW CLOSE WE ARE.


I have three cats; their names are Cricket, Cheetos, and Cookie, in order of age. Cricket is a medium-haired calico who has the face of a Mainecoon but the size of a kitten; she isn't much one for affection or making noise but she loves stealing my mom's chair. Cheetos is our only boy cat, and is afraid of like everything except for dinner and my mother, who he likes to crawl all over and chew on her hair. Cookie is My Cat, and she's loud and whiny and fat and sucks up to like everyone. They're all weird and adorable.


1. I'm trying to finish three fics for the KHR yuri_exchange. It isn't going very far very fast, sob.
2. FIRE EMBLEM: PATH OF RADIANCE. I'm on Chapter 25, which is the one where people drop boulders on your little army. It's not exactly sweet of them.
3. I recently picked up Shitsurakuen and just today refound Khaos Komic, both of which I highly recommend. I'd try to summarize them except I feel vaguely braindead at the moment so just read them!!!!!! or something.


My mom used to be an English teacher in Japan. In Osaka, to be specific. So she speaks Kansai-ben, which is kind of hilarious since in fiction it's usually applied to badasses (like Shige from Whistle!), while she's 4'10" and a hippie. She has the largest vocabulary out of everyone I know, but she tends to forget really simple words like "table" halfway through whatever she's saying. And she talks a lot. A lot. She tries to motivate me to do more with my life a lot. It doesn't really work. ALSO I GOT HER TO PLAY FIRE EMBLEM AND SHE'S REALLY INTO IT AND GOES ON THE WIKI ALL THE TIME, I'M SO PROUD.

My dad is a tech geek and spends about as much time on the computer as I do. He also really likes planes and sailing. He's kind of a derp, socially, and he sneezes really loud. (He can also whistle really loud, but that's intentional and therefore not as funny.) He has about the same sense of humor as I do, minus my sex/gay/immature jokes, which is to say he likes mocking people so long as they're either famous or someone we know personally and are friends with. He's kind of clumsy, so drops/spills things a lot and then makes fun of himself for it, and he's definitely the more laidback parent.


ALL OF YOU, OF COURSE >3< ... no, seriously. I'm kind of sad like that.

OTHER THAN ALL OF YOU, there is also my bb twin, who I have already talked about, and Alez. Alez is one of my very few real-life fandom friends, and he's the one who got me into watching Shiki. He has huge, freakish hands, never play Mercy with him. He's kind of ridiculous, since his likes all fall under either the general "dark, morbid, death and horror" kinds of things or the "sparkly rainbow unicorns!!!!!!" kinds of things, and there's not much at all in between. We spend half our time arguing over things that don't actually matter at all (like whether or not chopsticks are better than forks, which they are) and the other half greeting each other with KIRABOSHI! and being general weaboo dorks.

bitchy archer, mememememememe, girls are fucking hot okay, not-bitchy-just-loud paladin, gay, fai is a troll, nonbitchy hick girl, i still kind of think my writing is shit, i can't think of a clever shiki tag, obscure fandom, bitchy mage, crack, no one you've ever heard of, lmfao, me being ridiculous and lame

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