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littlelinor October 23 2010, 11:40:15 UTC
I NEED TO WATCH THIS *was actually thinking about it, where can you find iiiit*

And Rolf? He has much better stats if you train him, he maxed quite a lot of them every time I played the game (or the next one). Once they're at equal level he usually has muuuch better stats (including attack and defense)


pen_over_fist October 23 2010, 20:46:30 UTC

Yeah, I figure he would, but first I have to train him, which I am usually fine with except that I'm awful at the strategy parts of this game. So then the lower level characters end up dying because I misjudged whether or not they could be attacked from a certain angle. Usually Marcia, because of FUCKING ARCHERS, but Rolf too, and Mist dies like every time I put her on the field. I WANT A VALKYRIE BUT MIST, YOUR DEFENSE.

I am not a patient enough person for this training business. Sob.


littlelinor October 23 2010, 20:49:15 UTC

PoR isn't too hard, though. At least if you compare to RD or, to, FE6 XD
IT WILL BE GOOD TRAINING FOR YOU, and usually the trick is to bait enemies with a strong unit that can't fight back (wrong kind of weapon, or take it off altogether), then have your normal units weaken it and finish it with the weak one. Do it one enmy at a time and wheee

And yeah Rolf and Mist are MONSTERS, seriously. It's worth it.

(thanks <3 )


pen_over_fist October 23 2010, 21:23:31 UTC
Yeah, I played Blazing Swords on my brother's computer ROM a few years ago. I don't even remember what chapter I made it to, but it was probably like fifteen. PoR is so much easier =A= I'm just bad at strategy games; too used to buttonmashing.

Is Marcia worth it? Because she really just dies SO MUCH AUGH. I can't exactly switch her out for this chapter, since, Makalov and all, but maybe later on...

Ah, and when I look around I see people talking about using Soren or Ilyana, because Soren has better stats but Ilyana can use Rexbolt. I-is it bad if I just want to use both? /mage bias


littlelinor October 23 2010, 21:25:52 UTC
I didn't use Marcia but it's a matter of taste. I find Jill superior, especially since you can support her with Mist for a KILLER COMBO.

I use both too XD I use mages and archers and horses a looooot because I'm a guerilla, hit-and-run kind of person XD.
I TRAINED ASTRID. THAT SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING (ogods she is godly once she gets a few levels)


pen_over_fist October 23 2010, 23:09:33 UTC
JILL IS ALREADY SO MUCH BETTER and she's like three levels below Marcia. What is this.

OH, GOOD. I was starting to think I was setting myself up for disaster |D;; I AM GLAD THAT ASTRID GETS GOOD, TOO.


littlelinor October 23 2010, 23:12:55 UTC
Jill is awesome <3

Ahaha no she's cool,, just hard to train. But I had her kill most of the enemies ont he stage you find her in (AND get the chests before the godamn ravens, thank you sothe) so it was easier after that.

ALSO I just started Star Driver (was reading something before) and What The Fuck XD
I already like the main char's voice though.


pen_over_fist October 24 2010, 01:37:04 UTC

I trained her a lot in the next chapter which I just beat, not so much on the boats. She's getting better, though!

IT'S SO SPARKLY. And Takuto apparently has a very famous, popular seiyuu. Miyano something? My favorite characters are Takuto and class rep-san. I don't think we actually know class rep-san's name yet, haha.


littlelinor October 24 2010, 01:39:26 UTC
BUT SHE IS NOT A BIGOT, she starts off as one but really learns throught he story and has the most amazing friendships(/more) with Mist and Lethe and it's awesome.

Ahahaha yeah it's Flynn from Tales of Vesperia among others apparently XD
His voice gets annoying at times but it fits him, so... XD
Is it bad that I already kinda ship the hero, the south maiden and her betrothed as an OT3?


pen_over_fist October 24 2010, 01:48:01 UTC
It is awesome and she's fantastic. BUT I STILL FEEL KIND OF BAD.

I like his voice |D It goes quite well with Takuto's ~fabulous~ personality. No, no it's not, because the rest of the fandom already agrees.


littlelinor October 24 2010, 01:49:57 UTC

Oh good, I was getting worried. I have a scary tendency to OT3 things, you see.


pen_over_fist October 24 2010, 08:53:43 UTC
I can empathize, but really, it's perfectly normal for this series!

The only thing I don't really like about Jill is that she misses a lot. =c


littlelinor October 24 2010, 12:33:03 UTC
Really? I never had that problem with her... Keep an eye on her speed and skill stats when she levels up and it should correct itself :3

Oh yeah btw I trust you know the beautiful trainer's trick which is called "make your units which are close to a level level up at camp after saving so you can give them killer stats growth for minimal BEXP cost".


pen_over_fist October 24 2010, 19:08:20 UTC
Ahh, I imagine it will. It's a bit annoying at first, but it's getting better. When I got her, I half thought she had "Gamble" equipped like Kieran did...



littlelinor October 24 2010, 23:04:41 UTC
... htat would explain a lot.
Save, try to level up, if you get less than four or five stats, reset, try until you get a killer level up, save, ??? PROFIT.


pen_over_fist October 25 2010, 00:34:25 UTC
Oh, no, I know that trick! I just never thought of bumping them up near the next level so they could level in battle.


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