So like three years ago or something, I got a world idea. It kept lurking really quietly in the back of my brain, and I never really built on it until about nine (or ten?) months ago, when I went, "huh-- I bet Gokudera would be a witch."
So that's how
Witchkudera happened. Since Bus showed interest, I got
sorcerer!Xanxus pumped out at the time too, but after that it sort of faded away from the front of my mind again.
And then, about a month ago, it kind of exploded. I started fixing up the cultures, planning out the plot, placing more characters in their respective races (and switched some around as well, because I started taking genetics into account), drawing ref sheets (like
Hana's, whose is the only one done at the moment) in class, figuring out everyone's places in the stories, straightening out the shaky magic bases I'd had before. The only thing I haven't started doing is actually writing it out, honestly.
... so, uh, I don't actually have anything else to say. :|a UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO START EXPLAINING STUFF, WHICH WOULD TAKE A WHILE...
Small edit: yes, I did just tag this with every character tag I have been unlazy enough to make. This will be a long, long story with nearly every character in it.