Iconspam time!
Star Wars is assorted characters from Thrawn to Obi-Wan, including five icons from the awesome Clone Wars cartoon series.
Harry Potter is mostly icons from the
Illustrated Guide to the Capture and Upkeep of Potions Masters (Snape, Snape/Harry), with a couple of Snape-Karkaroff icons and a Hermione thrown in.
LotR is one insanity
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*snicker* fluids...
The genfic I'm writing is a Thrawn-and-Vader thing and it keeps kicking my ass. Seriously. Vader is hell.
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Are you writing from Vader's POV?
No, Thrawn POV, which is even harder, if possible. So convoluted. Not that Vader is easy... I often do Palpatine/Anakin with a Vader-y POV and his personality is hard to nail down. So straightforward and "rar I squish j00!" at times.
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...not that I'm not going to write that Pellaeon-crushes-on-Thrawn thing at some point. ;)
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He's so dreamy, I can't even look at him!
Tee hee! XD And then he glues holopictures of Thrawn onto his mirror and draws little holo-hearts around them, right?
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But he can't call up his friends and tell them, because his is a forbidden lovecrush.
Poor Pellaeon. *pets* Maybe he can call one of those teenager angst hotlines to spill his guts anonymously to a hapless volunteer (though with his luck, it'll be a Mon Calamari, who'll suggest wooing with gifts of fish). 1-800-BLUE-CRUSH. Yes.
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