Statistical analysis pwned me like a pwning thing yesterday, but at least that's done. Now I have all the time in the world to watch DVDs write pr0n do diligent research on the paper I'm supposed to be writing this month. Yay. Ish. Sigh.
In any case, I ate some blueberry pie and had a glass of this fantabulous Pinot Noir, and this appeared:
Voldything has been keeping busy, but I don't blame him. Building an empire of ev0l takes mondo funds and a well-thought corporate image. (The fella is a member of the French national rugby team, as seen in a
Dieux du Stade calendar.)
I've also been reading fic and you know what I realised? Elrond Halfelven is the Severus Snape of Middle-earth. Like Snape, he has 232,983,701 Mary Sue daughters (all prettier than Arwen, natch) and as if those were not enough, he adopts other Sues left and right like a regular Mr. Humane Society. Or maybe Rivendell is really the Last Homely Zoo, where he's attempting to gather every possible variation of Uniqueus Snowflakeus. Housing all those unicorns and white tigers and pet wolves the Sues inevitably have as pets/mounts/Patronuses must be a bitch and a half, though.
Now, off to do some research. That is to say, write drabbles and figure out the ins and outs of Grand Admiral Thrawn's art fetish (the perv).
♥, especially to those of you in New Orleans or affected by the situation there.
ETA: I need a date. Seriously. Looking at
things like this is starting to make me way, way too happy in my pants. WTF, libido, WTF? You used to like boobs! *flails*