Flowchart to Romancing the Snape

Nov 24, 2004 01:59

It all started with this post on deleterius.

In that sporking, I had a list of Snape/OFC romance clichés and the obvious turns their plots always take. I called that list a flowchart, though it was really just a list. Well, after blabbing in the comments with e.g. the inspirational junediamanti about said clichés, I felt compelled to make a real flowchart. In an evening of drunken Photoshopping, it turned into this monstrosity...so, behold Romancing the Snape (or, a Flowchart to Writing Snape/OFC Romance):

(click on the thumbnail or here to view)

In case you're unfamiliar with how flowcharts work: start where it says "Start here" (d'oh). The white boxes are actions. The pink diamond boxes are decision points where you choose a path (an arrow) according to what answer branch (corresponding answers marked in red type) you want to take when replying to the question in the diamond. And, um, just follow the little arrows.

Feedback, questions, suggestions for additions and corrections, etc. welcomed.

Edit: Minor corrections improvements. Thanks to furiosity, valis2, and everyone else who commented. (And yes, the flowchart can be easily applied to any badfic of your choosing, regardless of ship.)

Son of Edit: Proper props to junediamanti. Also, tautology isn't attractive when used with tautology; typos are my fiends.
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