You'll dance to anything.

Mar 24, 2011 22:04

So, turns out, those packages mentioned earlier were Vices & Virtues.  *spazzes out*  Which is so beyond exciting, I won't even try putting it into words for you, partially because I'm lazy and partially because keyboard spazzes can get really old really fast.
So, the funny thing?  Or order got mailed twice.  We looked at the receipts - they're identical; so I made out with a free duplicate CD and shirt.  Jessica, these are pour toi. :)

Seeing as I have absolutely nothing to do right now, I'm going to type up a Cd review.  Just for you, lucky reader!  Are you excited?  Do you feel lucky?  Ahhhhhahahaha I am going to enjoy this way to much.

Vices & Virtues
Panic! At The Disco
  1. The Ballad Of Mona Lisa - Well, this was the single they released prior to the actual album, so its the one song here I know all the words to, haha.  Needless to say, it's pretty good - I liked it right away, anyway.  The little music box touch in the beginning is really cool, and I like the drums throughout the song for some reason.  "Woah, Mona Lisa! Guaranteed to run this town.  Woahhhhh, Mona Lisa, I'd pay to see you frown."  (And - just for the record, the music video for this song is one of my favorites.)
  2. Let's Kill Tonight - This song reminds me of Halloween.  I think it's the little synth tune or something, but I think of witches and pumpkins.  I'm pretty sure if you were to show this song to Haley, she would deem it Satanic because of the reference to hell and the fact that the title could possibly involve murder.  This would then force me to give her a speech on "No, Brendon Urie is not a devil-worshiper - hes just Mormon", and then maybe her youth group would revolt and kick me out for listening to such horrible music.  (Which might not be such a bad thing in the long run...oh wait - did I say that out loud?)  BUT.  THE SONG.  i must say, it is one of my personal favorites on the album.  It's insanely catchy.  It makes me want to dance.  Lalala.  Right after the first "stomp your feet and clap your hands" there's this sick little clapping/stomping rhythm thing, that's a lovely touch.  The strings at the end are pretty neat too - but they remind me of a funeral.  Hm.  Well, then again, maybe that shouldn't be surprising.  "Let's kill tonight, kill tonight.  Show them all you're not the ordinary type."
  3. Hurricane - Veryveryvery catchy, and the first ten seconds make me think of elevator music.  I didn't think I would like this one at first, but the chorus grows on you.  The more you listen to it, the more you like it, I think.  Lots of "heys".  Heys are fun.  Who doesn't love heys.  The vocals here are probably the best part, actually - they're everywhere.  Props, Brendon, props.  "You'll dance to anything."
  4. Memories - This song starts out nicely.  Elevator music again, before going into this guitar rift that makes me think, I would have to say.  It inspires me to drive to warm places and take lots of pictures of happy people laughing.  It's a summer song, I guess?  Either way - very catchy, especially the chorus.  This is one of my favorites on the album.  There's a Streetcar Named Desire reference in the second verse, which is pretty cool and reminds me of academic-team, even though I know next to nothing about that work of literature.  But - the song, the song!  Ends randomly.  "July became December, where affection fought the cold. But they couldn't quite remember what inspired them to go."
  5. Trade Mistakes - Starts with weepy violins, then goes into this beautiful music-box thing, which I loved from the start.  This is my second favorite song of all of these.  I really like the lyrics.  I don't know if it's possible not to like this song, lol.  Well, I'm sure it is, but I'll pretend it isn't.  "I may never sleep tonight, as long as you''re still burning bright. If I could trade mistakes for sheep, count me away before you sleep."
  6. Ready To Go (Get Me Out Of My Mind) - This is my favorite.  :)  The moment I heard it, I wanted to start singing (it's those oh's).  Another summer song, that inspires you  I don't know.  It inspires you to do something.  But anyway, looking strictly at sound, the chorus is really catchy (those oh's!) and the whole song is very upbeat.  Happy song.  "You're such a pretty thing to be running from anyone." 
  7. Always - slower, mostly acoustic, and really cute. :)  Simple little song.  I like these lyrics a lot too. "taking me apart like bad glue, on a get-well card.  It was always you falling for me, and it was always time calling for me..."
  8. The Calender - the first couple seconds of this song are really weird, because it sounds like a bunch of disjointed noise, and the first few lines are odd too - but I like them.  The bass in this song is pretty cool...for some reason, it makes me think of the jungle.  I have no idea; forget I said that.  This is actually another one of my favorites.  The little "symphony" in the middle is fun, and I like the sort of melloncholy feel to the chorus.  this song also ends with some lovely elevator music.  Nice~ "Put another X on the calender; summer's on its deathbed. There is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends."
  9. Sarah Smiles - my least favorite.  Not to say it's a bad song, persay - I'm just not terribly fond of it for some reason.  The beginning makes me think of French sailors.  (Don't even ask.)  It sounds the most like something off of Pretty. Odd, of all of these songs.  I don't think I'd mind it too much, but the chorus doesn't stick, and the verses don't stick enough.  But it's not a bad song by any means. "Sarah smiles like Sarah doesn't care.  She lives in a world so unaware.  Does she know that my destiny lies with her?"
  10. Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met) - STARTS OUT.  WITH A BUNCH OF CHILDREN.  SINGING WORDS.  IN FRENCH.  JUST SO YOU KNOW.  That makes this song autimaticly amazing.  I can't decide if I like the demo version of this better or not.  There's less going on in this one, and I like the vocals better.  (And the little lalalalalalalaaa before the second part of the first verse)  I think I like the old lyrics better, however.  But no matter.  The verses are what make this song, really; they're very unique, and each is different.  The chorus kind of slows everything down.  Oh - and if you listen closely, the little french speaking children are singing "mona lisa, pleased to please ya" in the background, near the song's end.  Reference to the first song.  Ties everything together very nicely; I like that. "How does a heart look if no one has noticed it's presence, and where does it go? had set your heart on haunting me forever from the start; it's never silent."
BONUS TRACKS (oh yes.  Be jealous.)

I Wanna Be Free - The drums here are great.  This song is decent; I won't say it's my favorite, but it's definitely not the worst - very middle of the road for this album.  I like the chorus a lot - the whole thing grows on you.  Actually, i really like how this song ends... it ends on the tonic. "i wanna be free, I wanna be loved, I wanna be more than you're thinking of."
Bittersweet - Super upbeat.  It makes me smile.  Lots of babababababas, whoo's!, and finger snapping, which is always fun to listen to.  It's one of those early morning songs that I should wake up to on early morning swim practices, to put me in a good mood.  Would it be weird if I said that they should do a cover of this on Glee? Yeah, probably.  "Everything I do is bittersweet.  You could tell me secrets that I'll probably repeat.  I'm not trying to hurt you; I just love to speak.  It feels like we're pulling teeth, so bittersweet."
Turn Off The Lights - This is another song Haley would call Satanic.  It mentions the devil, you guys.  The devil won't leave Brendon alone.  OH GOODNESS.  Ah, kidding.  I'm pretty fond of this song - it's my second favorite of the bonus tracks.  The ending is the best part. :) Ohhhs.  I really like these lyrics too.  I normally like Panic! lyrics in general - they're always really well written (regardless of who's writing them), and there are always big words.  "I set my expectations high, so nothing ever come out right.  A shooting star on the boulevard - I think I'd figure it out with a little more time.  But who needs time?"
Kaleidoscope Eyes - Another happy little song.  This one right here wins the best lyric ever award - "In the sickness of youth, I'm just a white blood cell, fighting like hell for you."  Come to think of it, all the lyrics here are really really cute, to be honest.  A tad bit odd, but really really cute.  I love it.  Oh, and the ending?  Scared me a lot at first.  Brendon talks, and then laughs evilly.  Just warning you.  
Oh Glory - My favorite bonus track, and third favorite on the album.  This is a great song.  A lot more like their stuff from Fever - heavier guitars, I guess, or something along those lines.  Although I must say - the little harmony in the bridge is really...weird sounding.  Great chorus.  Great song.  Lovelovelove.  "lately it's been like everybody's sick, everybody's tired.  I built myself a wall up of unhappy highs, knowing in my heart my head is lying.  Oh Glory, I think I see you round the bend, and I think I'd try any poison to get there in the end." 
Stall Me - sort of like I Wanna Be Free - it's a good song, but for whatever reason, it doesn't stand out to me.  Still, I like it.  The chorus is what makes the song, and the drums here are also quite nice as well.  "Hold on to the moon, it's just a sliver of you.  Stall me, stall me, I'm all in.  Stall me, call me up, or break me in..."

OVERALL - :) I LOVE IT.  Seriously, there isn't a bad track on this album, and its pretty rare I can say that.  Usually there's at least one song I really can't stand on a CD, but here we have an exception.  Vices & Virtues - definitely recommended.  Each song is catchy in it's own way, and all of the lyrics are incredibly well written (which is a big deal, to me at least.)  It's as if they took everything that made A Fever... great, and then everything good about Pretty. Odd., and mashed it up into one giant musical extravaganza - AKA, V&V.  It's got that whole theatrical, catchy feel that A Fever You Can't Sweat Out has, (although admittedly less dark) but then the whole happy, upbeat feeling that was the best thing about Pretty. Odd.  It's beautiful.  I love it. 
Highly recommended.


cds, panic! at the disco, bored, music!!, review

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