No way, won't go down in your flames

Jan 18, 2011 17:03

Okay, even though I do have finals tomorrow, and I sort-of-really-a-lot should be studying for exams, I'm taking a much needed break to type this, since today is completely worth an update.  My mother (who probably subconsciously knows I'm not studying and is freaking out over at which ever hospital she happens to be working at today) is going to have to cope. 
I officially am done with my Semester One classes.
Well, no, not technically.  I still have to take finals for most of them... (most, because Theory's was today, and it was incredibly easy.  Easier than the quizzes.  That made me happy.   But other than that, I will spend the rest of this week taking tests.)  Half days!  Yay.  I'll only be in school for an hour on friday, since I don't have to show up for 8th hour.  ;D


I really don't want this semester to end. I like my classes.  And the worst part?  Three of my four favorite/enjoyable classes are affected by this semester switch.  Not approved.  For starters,  Jess's lunch hour moves, which is ABSOLUTELY NOT OKAY, AND NOT AGREED WITH AT ALL BY YOURS TRULY.  ;(  For the record, Jessica, I think that you and Keлceы should switch lunch hours, so then I don't have to cope with her.  (I can't decide if I feel superior or stupid for writing that in code.  Shi, yo.)  Ooooo, I shouldn't say things like that.  Shame shame. 
But seriously, Jeßica.  You shouldn't have 4th hour lunch.

Then, no more Music Theory...SAD!!! ;(  I love that class.  I really do.  Did.  Ahhhh depressing.  I won't get to hang out with Marie and Erika and Abby every 8th hour, playing random piano songs and talking about music and swimming and Llamas With Hats, and whatever other stupid stuff we talk about.  lol.  This weekend, we're getting together at Marie's again, I think. 
You see, we have a "band".  Called MESA (which can stand for either Marie-Erika-Sydney-Abby or table, depending on who you're asking).  We've already had one "practice", except Erika couldn't go, so we pretty much just sat in Marie's basement.  We played music for about 15 minutes - I'm their drummer, actually.  It was pretty intense.  I banged on the drums for about two seconds, felt stupid, then googled "how to play the drums" on my phone, learned absolutely nothing, and sat and listened to Marie and Abby play Kings of Leon songs on their guitars.  This lasted for about ten minutes before we decided jumping on Marie's trampoline was way more fun then band practice, and we left.
MESA is to reunite soon.
Bahahahahahaha I love those guys.

And I'm also losing gym... ;( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not gym.  The ironic thing is, I was actually looking forward to gym ending in the begining of the year...and now I feel the exact opposite.  Pathetically enough, gym is kind of one of the highlights of my  We had to take home our locker stuff today, and I was all sad.  ;(  I think we all know why, right?  Yep.
We did the long jump today, as our final gym event.  It was actually pretty funny - we all jumped twice, then Mr. Gaulke was just like, "okay.  Good job.  Go watch the juniors do the highjump."  :P haha.  We didn't really do much today.
That was pretty amusing, watching the juniors.
The Highjump is not one of his strengths lol.  I think he knows this; he was all self-conscious, which was pretty cute.  I chuckled.

But ahhhhhh.
No more semester one. ;(

And - March 29th!!!!! :D

Okay - I really need to go study now...even though there's no swim and our language book isn't due till Thursday, I should get working...
Did I tell you about our Children's Books?  We have to write and illustrate them.  Mine's about crocodiles; it's awful.  
I love floating chefs, btw.
So lonnnnng.

jessica turns cats into pasta, may-sun, finals, mesa, school

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