"Thank you. That was a song about an eel!" (AKA: The Concert Post)

Jun 21, 2010 10:18

I think the title should say enough. This is pretty much a run through of the concert - (which was AMAZING, I might add). I have absolutely nothing else to do today, so expect this one to be a little lengthy.

Okay. Here we go.

Rachel arrived at my house at one. Then we picked up Jessica. The drive was actually pretty fun; we had some CDs, so we were singing along and stuff...we have a dance to Kids now, by the way. I know. Totally hardcore. Tomorrow, I'm probably going to wake up with bruised knees because of this.

We stopped for...uh, dinner I guess, (even though it was like, 4:00) at The Cheesecake Factory (which is not, I might add, a factory where they make cheesecake). I'd never been there before, so that aspect was pretty neat...the ceiling is totally awesome. It looked something like this:

Behold. Anyway, we sat outside, ate. I had "angel hair pasta and shrimp"...everything was very fancy. The pasta was good, but there was a lot of it. And it was swimming in tomato sauce. I mean, I have nothing against tomato sauce, don't get me wrong, but there was just a bit too much. The shrimp was phenomenal. For those of you who are curious, Jessica also ordered pasta (some sort of four-cheeses thing, I believe), and Rachel had this fish-taco-burrito-thing. ^_^

We drove a while longer after that, and got to the venue at around...what, 4:30? 5? Sometime around then. The doors didn't open until seven, so we had a bit of a wait...we were really early in line though, which was awesome. Still, the wait kind of sucked...but hey, I'm not complaining; it was totally worth it. How did we pass the time, you ask? Taking pictures, going for walks to stores that weren't open (AKA: Walgreens, the 24-hour pharmacy), freaking out, and listening to music.

I don't think I even listened to any MGMT when we were waiting outside...only like, 3 songs...that's kind of funny.

Anyway, the line started moving at 7. We got "pit seats" (not like, a mosh pit - I don't think anyone sober really moshes to MGMT anyway) - which meant we got to stand really really close to the stage...

DUDE, our not-seats were awesome. We were right up against the railing, near the speakers. The stage was about three feet away. Oh. My. God.

The concert didn't start right away, and I went to the merch stand to get a t-shirt.

I like my t-shirt. It's white, and it says "MGMT" in pretty much every type of blue lettering you can imagine. Then on the back, it's got the tour dates and stuff. Awesome. Rach and Jess got the same shirt. ^_^ So it's like "woah. Match. Jealousy." Yeah.

We were actually the last show of their Congratulations Tour. You have no idea how cool that is. It makes me feel ~important.
Then it ~STARTED~! The opening band was called "Tame Impala". They're from Australia. Uh, yeah. They were interesting. Not bad, per say, but it took a while for my ears to adjust to the loudness (with the speakers five feet away and all). All of their songs were very long, and mostly instrumental...what words were sung were not understandable at all; it was pretty much wailing, I guess. In a good way. They weren't bad...but, you know. We kind of came to see MGMT, so I wasn't exactly thrilled about watching them preform four seven minute long songs, three of which sound almost identical. But hey. Whatever.

There was a 15 minute wait between Tame Impala and MGMT. That was probably the hardest part of the waiting. BUT THEN...

Dude, they're really good live! Oh my God! It was amazing. We were like, dancing and singing...hahaa. ^_^ I can't remember the order of the setlist...it was...um. Something like this:
The Youth
Someone's missing
Flash Delerium
....Okay, I can't remember the order after that. But they played these songs too:
Electric Feel, Brian Eno, Song For Dan Treacy, Pieces of What (which is so much better live), I Found A Whistle, The Handshake, Weekend Wars, Time To Pretend, Siberian Breaks, It's Working...I think that was all of them, but I could be wrong.

This lady kind of ruined Time To Pretend. I was excited, because Time To Pretend was one of my first MGMT songs, so I was pretty much freaking out. Dancing, singing, etc., all by my awesome spot next to Rachel, the speakers, and the railing. Okay? So. It's about midway through the first verse, when this lady comes shoving up to me. Not sure her age; but she was a lot older than me. She shoulders over, and screams into my ear:
"Hey! Hey! Hey, I'm gonna take your spot okay? Is that okay?" Uh, no, not really. "Look, I'm gonna take this spot, okay? I just need to see them!" You can see them perfectly fine from behind me! But...
She pretty much pushed me backwards then, and well, stole my spot. Which was so not cool. There wasn't really much room, and I ended up wedged between a bunch of random people.
Normally, I would have like, tried to at least get a little bit by the railing, except this lady was a lot bigger than me...not fat, but just...bigger. And she was sort of waving her arms, and I didn't want to get hit. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure she was drunk - her eyes were glassy, and her mouth was open the entire time...she kind of reminded me of a fish.
So. Awkward. She left after a while though - and moved four spaces to Jessica's right. She spent a few songs there, and then we lost track of her. Whatever. I got my spot back in the end, so it's all good.

There was even an encore! That was exciting. THEY PLAYED KIDS.

It was the coolest thing. Tame Impala came out with MGMT, and they all had different instruments and were playing together...it was awesome. Kids is one of my favorites.


I TOUCHED ANDREW'S HAND! Yeah!! I know! Like, he was walking around and singing, and Rachel and Jessica and I were reaching over the railing screaming, and he touched our hands! OUR HANDS. I TOUCHED ANDREW VANWYNGARDEN'S HAND. OMG. Dude. I was like "ahhhhh!" *spins, falls* It was awesome.

They also played Metonoia and Congratulations for the encore. Metonoia is long - 14 minutes...that's good though; it meant we were there longer. ^_^

But yeah. We had to leave then... ;_;...drove home. Spent the night at Rachel's. I got home this morning. Yeah.

But it was so much fun!! ^_^ I'm so glad I got to go. Oh my God. <3

That's how a good deal of life should be spent, I think. Going to good concerts with your two best friends...it was so much fun. I had a great time. AND I TOUCHED ANDREWS HAND OMG Yeah, it was great...

Thanks so much, guys!!! <3

mgmt, yay, rachel, jessica, concert!!!

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