I'm like, half asleep, momentarily alone, watching The Real Housewives Of Orange County (because it reminds me of Scottsdale), and running on left-over takeout Italian. Three cheers for life!
...I think about half of what I've eaten in the last two weeks has been Italian food - not even kidding. Whenever people come over to our house, my mom picks up Italian on her way home from work, from this restaurant about five minutes away from our house. (I could walk there if I wanted to.) She gets this huge...meal thing...it serves a bunch of people; it's this HUGE container of salad, another HUGE container of pasta, a pizza, 4 rolls, 4 pieces of garlic bread, and a tub of pasta sauce. It's good. Sometimes we get soup with it; not today though. Well yesterday. We picked it up yesterday.
^_^ Yesterday was so much fun. Ratio, Jess - love you guys!!!! :D
AND I'M SO EXCITED FOR THAT CONCERT!!!! (In case you didn't know. I mean, it's not like I've ever posted about it or anything.) MGMT!!!!!!!
You know, I really don't get reality TV sometimes, much as I secretly enjoy watching it. These people freak out over the stupidest things...so dramatic...but then again, if reality TV wasn't dramatic, then we probably wouldn't be watching it, would we? Doubt it.
I hurt my toe this morning. Walked into a chair. (Shut up.) It wasn't really that painful - one of those moments where you hurt yourself, go "OH SHIT THAT REALLY HURT", stand there for a second, and then walk away fine. But then I looked down, and realized my toe was bleeding - resulting in one of those "OH SHIT I'M BLEEDING" moments. So I got some bandaids. It's all good now.
I'm kind of afraid to take the bandaids off though, because last time this happened, I lost part of my nail. And that hurt. A lot.
You probably didn't need to know any of that, but whatever.
This is just one more reason why I don't want to go to my swim meet this weekend. Would you like a list?
- I hurt my poor toe. x_X (okay, this is pretty much the lamest excuse on the planet, BUT.)
- Stitches (which really shouldn't bother me too much, but they twinge, and then I worry)
- Concert the day after (OMGOMGOMG)
- Almost nobody is going
- I've barely been to practice lately. (Only twice this week, with my stitches and all...ugh.)
Practice yesterday sucked. I woke up at 5:30 to get ready, arrived on time at 6, and then proceeded to wait outside the pool area with the rest of my team for 45 minutes, since the lady who was supposed to unlock everything overslept and nobody could get a hold of her. It wasn't much fun. Gr.
Butttt yeah. I can't really miss it. I've missed enough stuff. Plus I'm already payed for and scheduled and whatnot. So. Yeah.
Dude, my tummy is growling. I'm going to go eat left over Italian now. Bye.