Are we just sinking in an ocean of faces?

Apr 30, 2010 18:50

I am so glad it's RAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNING right now!! Tonight, we're supposed to get a huge thunderstorm. Excited. Can't wait. It's going to be awesome. I love thunderstorms...probably because I was rain-deprived as a child. It's a serious, critical condition, rain-deprivation. Very tragic.


I babysat for some kids today. Just for an hour...I got payed $15 and a bag of Twizzlers, so that's pretty good.

This one little girl - she's about four; her name is Jordan - is absolutely adorable. She's the cutest thing. Today, she was all excited because her dad bought her a Justin Bieber CD. (She's already explained to me many times how her and Justin Bieber are absolutely meant for each other - she's going to marry him when she grows up. I probably won't be attending that wedding, because a.) why would she invite me? and b.) I pretty much hate Justin Bieber's guts. But I don't have the heart to tell her that.) So, anyway, Jordan comes running up to me, holding her new CD. And she looks at me and says: "Look, Sydney! It's Justin Bieber!" And I respond in the typical "oh, yeah, that's really cool Jordan!! Yay! Good for you!" etc. fashion. Then, she looks down at the CD, and says "Justin is spelled 'J-U-S-T-L-N', and Bieber is spelled 'B-L-E-B-E-R'."

She thought the I's were L's. It was really cute.

So, yeah. Adorableness.
There were six kids in total...well, there were only supposed to be five, but this one guy just randomly showed up and joined our kickball game, and invited himself inside...Guess he's friends with them or something.

I did not like that kid. He was rude. He didn't listen to me. Gr.

I also got to go to Manitowoc on some school trip thing. (Jess - that's why I was gone today, haha. Sorry for just disappearing. I meant to tell you and Haley, except you had to get on the bus and I don't think you heard me. Haha again.) That was cool - Tessa came. We wrote poetry, did some improv stuff (which was actually pretty fun), and took a class-ish thing on relaxation.

The relaxation thing was awesome. When it was finished, I felt - get this - relaxed.

But really, it was cool. The lady took us through one of those guided-meditation me strange, but I actually kind of like those. They're very soothing.

All this was before babysitting, by the way. Just thought I'd mention that...

I think I have a bruise on my hand. It hurts. *SOB*

But yeah. Today was a good day~

I hope it rains really hard tonight...

weather, lol, babysitting, my life updates, school

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