Pollution burns my tongue.

Mar 27, 2010 16:50

I don't really want school to come. Staying on Spring Break forever wouldn't be so bad, I'd like to think.

Of course, I'd probably get bored eventually, so maybe it's a good thing school's coming back.


Haley slept over yesterday.

We baked cookies...I fail at baking cookies. Like, miserably. I don't know what we did wrong (I have ideas though), but you could literally taste each grain of sugar in the dough. It wasn't bad per say...just...weird. Then we under baked them, so they pretty much melted together when we put them on the plate. Yeah. Success, success. The moral of the story - there is no way in hell that I am ever going to make it in life as a professional chef. Haha.

I'm tired.

It's kind of a lazy day today...gray and overcast. I like days like this.

Hm. What else?

Oh, hey.

My mom and I went to visit my aunt today. It was her birthday not too long ago. My cousins were there too (well, okay, one was) - with their boxer, Ziggy.


Can dogs be gay? Because, I swear to God, there is something up with Ziggy. He's just...very...well, gay. I mean, not that I've got anything against gay people by any means, but...come on. He's a dog. That's just not right.

And what makes him so gay, you ask? Well. True, he does have a very feminine way of sitting, and he is afraid of cats, but that's not what I'm talking about. No. We took Eddie to play with him, which we've done before, and about half way through our visit, Ziggy started humping him. Yeah. Humping him.

He tried this a couple times.

And poor Eddie is like "WTF???? Get off!" So they're chasing each other around the yard, and my aunt is freaking out...

I mean, don't get me wrong - Ziggy is a great dog. Very sweet; well behaved, for the most part. He's just a little...confused. I think.

spring, haley, eddie, wtf, baking, family, lol, my life updates

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