First Snowfall

Dec 08, 2009 18:08

Yeah, you heard me. It's actually snowing right now.


I don't know how much snow we've gotten...maybe like, an inch? I wouldn't know. On my list of things I know a lot about, snow doesn't fall real high. I still sort of look at it like an alien substance.


We're supposed to get something crazy like 8 - 14 inches tonight. My dad looked up the weather forecast. He says school is probably going to be canceled.

I've kinda got mixed emotions on that. I mean, yeah, I love snow-days and I could sleep in and go sledding and whatever, but at the same time, it seems a little lame to blow the only free snow-day on the first snowfall. There's only one freebee - everything else has to be made up over the summer. But then again, since the snow waited so long this year, it almost feels like we should get more of it, you know?

I don't know.

The only thing I'm bummed about is that I didn't get to see Eddie's first reaction to the snow. He's such a big chicken of everything, I figures he'd see the snow for the first time and just freak out. It would have been SOOO cute/funny... but he was at puppy daycare, and they let the dogs outside when it started to snow so they could play.

Eddie loves the snow. It's adorable.

Ohhhhh...if we get a lot of snow tomorrow, Dad and Jake are going to have to shovel...haha. I remember the time Jake first saw my dad shoveling snow. He thought it looked fun, and offered to help. Well, now it's pretty much his winter chore, and he absolutely hates it. Whenever he has to wake up early and go shovel, he comes back in a terrible mood.

I guess last year he shoveled this huge mound of snow, which he these days refers to as "The Drift". Sometimes, my dad would make me shovel the patio behind the back of our house, when there's a lot of snow on it. But Jake always got the driveway. We would go back inside, and he would just complain and complain, grumbling about how I always got the easy jobs and he never did. Ii would tell him to suck it up and he would then dramatically recount how he was the one who had to shovel The Drift, and how it was obviously the most horrible thing on the planet, etc etc. Seriously, he reminds me of one of those old veterans who tell you the same story of The War every time you talk to them. The poor kid's probably scarred for life.

I'm sure I'll be hearing more stories of The Drift this winter.

Still, I'm exited to get some snow. There's nothing better than a white Christmas. Or Hanuka. Or Kwanzaa. Etc.

winter, family, eddie, christmas, jake, snow

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