There's a jar of Nutella in the cabinet. It's been there for a little over a week, and it's already over half empty. This would be totally normal in the average household, except I know for a fact that only one person has been eating this Nutella. That one person, being me. I know this because - being the sneaky/maybe a little chocolate selfish person that we all know I am - I cleverly hid the Nutella. On a shelf up high. Behind all the much larger peanut butter jars, where only the most dedicated Nutella-hunter would be able to find it.
The fact that I've singlehandedly consumed over a half a jar of Nutella all by my lonesome somewhat frightens me. I'm really not sure what angle to take on this subject.
I also have no idea what to do with my day today.
Like, no idea. At all.
The smart Sydney would study for exams. She'd spend all day with her nose stuck in a textbook, one hand clutching a pencil, the other tapping at a calculator. Except...well, yeah. The smart Sydney also has a counterpart with a life (sort of) and a very low tolerance for imaginary numbers and radical signs. So, clearly, the studying probably isn't going to happen till at least five tonight.
However, being confined to the house, alone save for Eddie, doesn't exactly mean my day doesn't hold possibilities.
I could
- finish that jar of Nutella.
- Watch lame Netflix movies and figure out how to work Jake's popcorn machine.
- I could invite people over, except, no, not really, because I kind of already told this one guy I'd be out of town this weekend and that wouldn't be fair, because I suppose I've got to kind of stick to that to look like a half convincing excuses to avoid him are actually getting really elaborate. He asks me out to lunch like...pretty much weekly, I guess, and it's not that he's not a nice guy - he really is - he's just...very annoying. And, to be honest, I can't even put my finger on what makes him annoying. He And I feel sort of awful about this, but I really have no desire to spend all that much time with him. So I'm usually "busy" on weekends, and "busy" during lunch...which is partially true. I do have LAAT, but I've never directly told him that, not as much because I'm not proud of being on the Language Arts Academic Team, but more so because I'm afraid he'd join. And, normally, that'd be alright. I have a deep respect for people that enjoy classic literature, especially guys. Except, he reads Jane Austin. Like, regularly. And he's proud of this. And...I dunno, man. I mean, I'm a girl, and I don't even like Jane Austin, so I don't have the slightest idea how he manages. But hey. Not judging. However, he did say he doesn't like Kafka or The Great Gatsby. (I told him this friendship was not going to work out, and he laughed. Clearly, he assumed I was kidding.)
- Decorate the Christmas Tree with our Valentines Day ornaments a month early since I think that's the next upcoming holiday.
- Or, better yet, I could make Martin Luther King Jr. Ornaments.
- Except, that's really creepy and a lot of effort so maybe not.
- I could bake.
- I could paint my nails.
- I could paint Eddie's nails.
- I could sleep.
Wow. Possibilities. Livin' it up over here.
I ordered John Green's new book today on Amazon - totally stoked. You don't even understand. It's called The Fault In Our Stars, for those of you ignorant people who live under rocks and don't read John Green for reasons I cannot begin to fathom, and it's about a girl dying of cancer. I'm very excited. He's a personal favorite of mine...I've read all his stuff, and own most of it. Highly recommended. I'd give you a book to start with, except it really doesn't matter because they're all amazing. I guess, if I had to pick, I'd tell you to read either Looking For Alaska or An Abundance of Katherines. Both are amazing. I actually own two copies of Alaska, haha. One on my Kindle, and one paperback. And, let me tell you, they're both worth it...
I really didn't mean to buy two copies, to be honest. Except I thought Tessa lost the paperback one, which is partially true. She found it eventually in a box of stuff from her kitchen when she moved, but it was missing for like, 6 months in between there haha. Hence, me rebuying it.
Go check it out right now. Seriously.
I'm just blabbering.