things that should be real, like santa claus, unicorns, and shawn spencer.

Sep 19, 2011 20:12

Today, you all should know, happens to be the wonderful birthday of my dearest friend Miss Jessica, and so I hope you all wished her a happy happy birthday at least seven times, and baked her a lovely pineapple upside down cake, complete with fluffy vanilla frosting, a spoonful of sugar, and rainbow sprinkles on top.  Extra-credit for those of you who baked it in an Easy Bake oven.  If not, I will have to deem you inconsiderate and therefore, judge you quite harshly.
Okay, so maybe I slacked off a bit on the cake thing, but you know.  I had the seven million birthday wishes down.
Happy birthday, Jess. :) <3

What's new in my life?  Well, let's think.  My life, folks, isn't exactly prime writing material at the moment, seeing as it consists primarily of three things: school, swim, and AP US homework.  And, of course, the scattered Psych episode here and there if I can find the time.
School is, you know, school.  And really, if there wasn't the "social" aspect of school, I really don't think I'd enjoy it too much.  Pretty sure that goes for any high school kid, but it's worth stating, if not for any other reason than to make clear the point that classes this year kind of...suck.  A little.  Well, okay.  They don't suck, really, not much - I mean, I'm okay with AP US and language and even lunch, and I can live through gym, but other wise?  Ahhhh I dunno, man.  I'm looking forward to next semester, let's just say that.
But you didn't come here to listen to me complain, did you?
Actually, I'm supposed to try to stop doing that.  Rhonda Byrne says that's not healthy.  That is not letting the joy be with you.
But, you know, I like social school and best friends with birthdays and italian boys.  So it's all good.
I actually really like my AP US's nice, because it's really moving at a decent pace.  The textbook is written at a college level - so, call me a nerd, but the hour and a half of nightly reading and notes is actually bearable.  To be honest, I find it interesting.  So shoot me.
This homework, though?  It's only issue - time.  Consuming.  Oh my word.  I don't mind, know.  I said earlier that my life consisted of school, swim, and AP US?  Wasn't kidding.  I wake up.  I swim.  I go to class.  I swim.  I do AP US.  Then I sleep.
Bay Port meet tomorrow, by the way.  Let's all smile, and pretend we're totally going to win this.  Optimism, people!

I think I just said I'd stop complaining, and I'm pretty sure about 90% of that paragraph consisted of complaining.  Even the sarcastic optimism sentance there.  Okay.  Fail.  Just a bit.

Since I can't think of much else to say at the moment, here's a little random piece of sunshine to complete this whole entry, and absolutely make your day.  If you haven't seen this commercial, you haven't lived.

image Click to view

Gets me every time.

ap us, jessica it's yo birthday, psych, swim, school, geico commercials are the shit, them italians!!! swoon.

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