the top floor's an illusion, you guys

Apr 12, 2011 19:18

April 12th, oh ho ho.  Time to dance; cake and candles.

Anyhow.  Today was pretty good.  I guess LAAT is still going to be meeting on Tuesdays to watch movies...ahaha.  That's cool.  :D  We ate brownies (God, those chocolate-caramel ones Sarah-Beth [?] makes are amazing.  I could eat the whole box, no joke.  Omnomnom.) and watched the rest of that Reduces Shakespeare Company thing.  Call me a nerd, but I loved it.  :P

Speaking of Shakespeare - the Romeo and Juliet essay got moved!  Yesss.  I was pleased about that.  Timed essays are stressful.  Even the ones that aren't for exams.

(This post is probably going to be all over the place - just a prewarning.  I'm feeling a little scatter brained today.)

Had the weirdest dream last night.  I'm not going to go into any detail, but it was so weird that it's worth stating.  And I know that's kind of awful (?), since I'm sure you're left in such suspense...but you know what, I really don't care.  Ha.  Ahahaha.

I want to sleep.

Or maybe paint something.  I wish I had some nice, new acrylic paints...mine are all gone...TEARS.  I'll have to go to Hobby Lobby some time soon.  Buy myself some.

My mom and I are going to see Les Mis when it comes by (!!!!).  Stoked out of my mind...except, she got us tickets for the showing on Easter.  LOL.  I laughed so hard when she told me.  This is going to be interesting.  But whatever - still excited.  It's going to be wonnnderful~...such a great play.  Musical.  Excuse me.  Tessa would slaughter me for that error, lol.

I want to walk to science again.  And I want to drive home from LAAT again too.  As in, relive about 5 minutes of today.  Because that would be really really nice, and I enjoy nice things.

Plyo tonight.  Yippee.  I am so excited.  Enthusiasm spilling from the keys.  Whoo.  Haha...


may-sun, brendon urie, my life updates, school, r-a-n-d-o-m

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