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I am pole-axed. Seriously katelennon November 29 2007, 23:11:33 UTC
I don't think that I can read this until you finish it, because it's breaking my heart.

Like, stick a knife in my I'm done, breaking my heart.


Re: I am pole-axed. Seriously pen37 November 29 2007, 23:29:21 UTC
I'm sorry. I promise to fix things when I'm done. (In fact, working on fixing things is what is keeping me from finishing my NaNoWriMo)


But... I kinda like how you broke me... katelennon November 30 2007, 20:23:00 UTC
I know it's probably all wrong and stuff, but I *like* it and at the same time can't bring myself to read it in pieces.

I love how you're stepping out and doing something that I haven't seen you do before (that you haven't, I probably just haven't read all your stuff, YET) and so yes, it's painful, but well, this 'verse isn't puppied and kittens. It's hard and painful and that is what makes all the sweet beats that much sweeter. It's hard won and cherished and I will now confess that I hug the 'Dean unpacks Chloe's apartment' very close and pet it. Because it's such a moment of normality and to me, all the more precious.

I will now shut up. Go back to writing. I respect the call of NaNoWriMo, but secretly, I long for more Special Projects. I'm just bull-headed, what can I say?


Re: But... I kinda like how you broke me... pen37 November 30 2007, 21:13:44 UTC
Oh wow. You know, I really treasure feedback like this.

(((hugs you)))

I'm glad to know that you guys like this. It means a lot to me. Plus, right now I'm struggling through trying to take Dean and Chloe through a story arc in which they *heal* from all this trauma. And it's not easy.

In my imagination, when I dreamed the whole story arc (high points, start to finish. I'm filling in detail as I write) I imagined this story. then *bam* they were all better and going at it like bunnies.

That's not happening. And treating their healing proscess in a realistic way is almost harder than writing the stuff that broke them.

And knowing that you loved the domestic stuff makes it a little easier. Because knowing that the moments of normalacy are treasured, makes writing them, within the healing process, so much more rewarding to me.

Thanks so much for the feedback.



Oh, sure *now* you tell me.. katelennon November 30 2007, 21:41:29 UTC
If I knew they were originally going to hop in the sack right after.... [digression] I really, really like how Chloe won't sleep with Dean. It's very much in character for them both, cannonally(?) speaking and also such a wonderful way to address the Dean/selfworth issue. [/digression]

Well, that's just mean. Dean maybe the only one who wants them to do the horizontal lambada as much as I do. Which, yes, I realize how totally weird that sounds, but well, sorry, you wrote it and I'm reading it, so feedback you shall have.

As for the feedback, usually I'm so "EEEEE! More Special Projects Goodness!" that I usually only squee incoherently. Again, this is you fault, so there.

I did want to let you know how much I admire that you went outside of the box on this story and that I'm really, really excited/horrified/antipating what comes next. You, you, WRITER you.


Re: Oh, sure *now* you tell me.. pen37 November 30 2007, 22:24:06 UTC
LOL! I love your icon. The idea that Dean is hyperventilating to my post is just LOL ( ... )


I kinda figured this one will be a bit of an issue katelennon December 1 2007, 04:48:15 UTC
But you see how patient I am? How I am not begging or offering UPS expresses of cookies?

This is progress and boatloads of therapy, but I'm coming to just accept that Dean and Chloe are going to get there when they get there.

I do think that 'horizontal lambada' should be used, just once. It's so horrible and pink flamingo-ish. Tacky, tacky, tacky.


Re: I kinda figured this one will be a bit of an issue pen37 December 2 2007, 04:40:51 UTC
Cookies? Did someone mention cookies? You never said that cookies were at stake.

*grumbles* XD

They'll get there. It's just going to take a little longer.

And you had to bring up the pink flamingoes. As if Dean's downstairs brain wasn't already filled with ideas about leather pants, prom queen dresses and cheerleading uniforms.

I'm going to have to make some kind of joke involving Horizontal Lambada now.

*shakes head* ;)


I'm suprised he hasn't been down that road already.. katelennon December 2 2007, 05:19:26 UTC
Dean's the kinda guy who WOULD totally ask a girl if she wanted to try the horizontal lambada, in a shameless and totally Dean!awesome way.

I make cookies, cookies go to Pen via UPS. But only when Katelennon gets Chlean horizontal lambada.

We here in Wisconsin like to call it a positive outcome opportunity. Really, a win-win-win for us all Dean, you and me.

I myself have a penchant for butterscotch oatmeal cookies, with nuts. They make the mouth rejoice.


Re: I'm suprised he hasn't been down that road already.. pen37 December 2 2007, 19:06:53 UTC
Around christmastime, I crave sugar cookies. The rest of the year I'm a chocolate chip kind of girl.

Yes, when Dean's not broken, he's got a healty libedo and an active imagination.

I gotta fix them first. Then maybe you get the not-so-verticle tango.


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