NaNoWriMo -- Day 28 I'm in the Home Stretch!

Nov 28, 2007 13:42

Bride of Tranquility

wordcount widgets

Today the writing flowed.  I was writing the climax of the book, and it just rolled out of me in this breathless writing frenzy.  I think this is what is known as the downhill slide.

Less than 4,000 words to go, and now that I'm past the climax, I have no idea how to wrap this up.  It's just kind of trailing off.  I'll figure something out.  And I keep thinking of scenes to add in earlier.

Jake was convinced that his teeth were going to rattle right out of his head as the buggy bounced it's way down the hill toward the lake. Ahead, he could see the water stretch away from the mountainside like a great, silvery mirror.

“Are we going to be able to stop in time?” He called out to lady Elizebeth.

“I think so. Maybe.” She called back.


“Be prepared to jump ship, just in case,” she called out.

Jake and Dr. Dave looked at each other in trepidation, and then each of them scrambled for the sides of the buggy.

“Bail out!” Lady Elizabeth called out.

Jake said a quick mental prayer, and then vaulted over the side of the buggy. The way he hit the ground reminded him of what it had been like to be hit by a two-hundred and ten pound linebacker in High School. He rolled with the impact, and came up in time to see Lady Elizabeth pull the coach up just in time to save it from rolling into the water.

“Why did you have us bail out if you could have stopped it?” Dr. Dave asked as she backed the buggy up.

“I couldn't have with all the extra weight. I had to lighten the load.” She shrugged.


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