Writing, Fanfiction and the Pen37 Manefesto

Apr 19, 2007 17:26

Once upon a time . . .

It seems like the good stories, and quite a few turnips as well start with once upon a time.  Once upon a time is almost trite.  It's a cliche.

But you know what?  Cliche's got that way because they work.  So If I want to start this journal with Once upon a time, I will.

Once upon a time there was a writer.  Not a person who wrote.  Not an author, but a writer.  A girl who bled ink.  By age five she was making real stories from her games of let's pretend.  By age 12, she was writing them down.  This girl grew up.  She wrote.  Not because she wanted to, but because she had to.  Because not writing was like not breathing.

Over the years, the stories piled up.  In notebooks.  In computer disks.  Across the internet.  The original fiction that could be published was published, or languished in a drawer until such day that it could be made better.

What was left was the fanfiction.

writing, fanfiction

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